Expert partner, no special agreements. Your call.
A K4 Q8642 A6543 4H-x-P-?
Posted 2013-June-01, 00:03
If we assume we're off the ace of hearts, we need a fairly suitable hand opposite to make slam, and this is ignoring any possibly bad breaks. I wish partner would be able to bid 5NT over our 4NT sometimes, but with him having at most two aces, I don't think this is all that likely.
Anyway, I'm just bidding 4NT - I really don't like to guess to bid slam in these situations unless I think it's a fairly decent favourite. I'm obviously paying off to Kxxx x AKxx KQxx and other such completely normal hands for partner to have.
Posted 2013-June-01, 05:54
for their direct x of 4h at unfavorable. We give p a lot of latitude
when they do things in the po seat but in direct chair they still have a
p to back them up. For ex after 4h p p this hand can bid 4n on its own
in po seat and p has to realize your 4n was under great duress since
the bidding would end if you passed. The same level of pressure does
not exist in the direct seat and it is generally much more dangerous in
direct seat with a still unlimited opponent to your left. In the PO seat
the bidding will generally let you know if p has some values or not.
Anyway in this case
and let p pick the best minor. Preempts work keep doing them.
Posted 2013-June-01, 06:52
Posted 2013-June-01, 08:48
*** How much more would you need to try 6m/6Nt?
Add DK? CJ10? HA instead of HKx?
5m is awful tame with 5 controls 13 and 5-5.
Posted 2013-June-01, 10:16
Against most opponents I would bid 4NT, raising my partner to slam. This might be down in trick 2 after a heart lead.
Against some opponents I would bid 5♦. It is almost certain that they will compete to 5♥. (In the post mortem they will say "We were non vul vs vul".) Then I will bid 6♣ and rightside the slam.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not Eureka! (I found it!), but Thats funny Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2013-June-01, 17:01
as we don't know which minor to bid and might even go off in 5 from p's hand, i'll content myself with floating the double. there's a good chance dummy will be dead and we'll make our k of h.
Posted 2013-June-01, 22:26
The usual case is
4nt follwed by 5H is weaker and a direct 5H slammish
In anycase i bid 5D, I believe that rightsiding is to likely to save a trick and i dont want to commit to slam.
Situation of 2NT scrambling are similar
3H directly should be foward going while 2NT (scrambling) followed by 3H should be weak.
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2013-June-02, 16:11
dake50, on 2013-June-01, 08:48, said:
*** How much more would you need to try 6m/6Nt?
Add DK? CJ10? HA instead of HKx?
5m is awful tame with 5 controls 13 and 5-5.
Posted 2013-June-02, 16:46
Posted 2013-June-02, 17:02
gszes, on 2013-June-01, 05:54, said:
for their direct x of 4h at unfavorable.
How about KQxx x AKxx Kxxx?
Posted 2013-June-03, 07:05
rhm, on 2013-June-03, 03:49, said:
What does this prove?
My point was mostly that thinking about hands where partner has two high cards opposite our lengths, and only one opposite our shortness is a bit misleading. And claiming "his hand couldn't be worse" is either disingenuous or clueless.
In any case, 6♦ is actually pretty good opposite my example - they don't always lead a heart, clubs might be 2-2, and even if not, chances for the black suit squeeze are pretty good. In particular, it's much better than 6♣, so if I had proposed a direct 6♦, I would like this example...
I would still think that exactly 11 tricks is more likely than 12 or more, especially if you factor in hands where partner has a heart doubleton. But it's pretty close.
Posted 2013-June-03, 08:22
rhm, on 2013-June-03, 03:49, said:
What does this prove?
Rainer Herrmann
...Well, it might get some people thinking about whether we are going to make slam enough of the time to bid it, especially if we chose to jump in our worse-quality suit when we have a bid which rates to get us to the best fit much more of the time (5NT).
To make myself clear, I really don't understand 6♦. If you are bidding it to protect your king of hearts, assuming partner has two low hearts, slam doesn't that great regardless...
edit: to echo and agree with other posters, even if your partner isn't supposed to be weaker than Kxxx x AKxx KQxx (which I specifically said I was happy to go +620 with), he can have similar strength hands with honors in the wrong location where slam is bad or no play. +620 can win on this board, -100 isn't going to win very often at all.
Posted 2013-June-03, 10:38
Some of the time you'll lose the first two tricks. Even if they only have one heart to cash, I don't like my chances of playing Qxxxx opposite Axxx for no losers.
Posted 2013-June-03, 12:14
Posted 2013-June-04, 05:40
call me crazy, but I have some aversion of playing 5-2 fit at the 5-6 level missing HJ109xx on the suit. The only question on this deal is to bid 4 or 5NT, and I think 4NT now stands out since we could have a forcing pass available next to avoid decisions.