Can Dummy Call Director?
Posted 2013-May-30, 16:46
I know this is probably painfully obvious!
my partner was declaring in 4♠ and a few tricks into the contract the opponents lead a club and my partner ruffed. However the oppo's didn't realise in time that my P had ruffed and lead KH. It was a hand with 4 obvious losers and the K heart was the fourth of them. However having been played out of turn should it now not be a penalty card? If that was the case P could very easily play another trump forcing op to play the KH and then he had solid hearts below the K so the contract would make easily.
the KH player just put the card back in the hand and apologised but obviously it's the difference between the contract making and not.
So my question is, my P didn't mention anything, could I as dummy call declarer on my p's behalf?
Sorry guys if this doesn't make any sense!
Posted 2013-May-30, 16:59
He may not call attention to an irregularity during the play; but after play has concluded, he may do so.
Posted 2013-May-30, 17:34
If someone commented when he put the card back, that's also drawing attention to an irregularity. If nobody did, then you should call the TD at the end of the hand. That might change the ruling, and you may not get the make.
Posted 2013-May-30, 18:08
eagles123, on 2013-May-30, 16:46, said:
Posted 2013-May-30, 20:35
nige1, on 2013-May-30, 18:08, said:
Can't people just give the Law?
a) Unless attention has been drawn to an irregularity by another player, dummy should not initiate a call for the Director during play.
1. (a) The Director should be summoned at once when attention is drawn to an irregularity.
(b) Any player, including dummy, may summon the Director after attention has been drawn to an irregularity.
Taking back a card and replacing it with another surely calls attention to the irregularity. So dummy may call the director. Why, by the way, didn't declarer do so?
Posted 2013-May-30, 21:02

I see no way to construe taking back one's played card and playing another while apologising as anything but drawing attention to an irregularity. The only way I can see that "you may not get the make" is if declarer plays from the ♥K's hand's LHO before the director is called. OTOH, if the declarer plays from the hand that ruffed (whichever one it was) then we apply 53C, that's the lead, and the ♥K is a MPC.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2013-May-31, 10:29
The reason declarer didn't call the TD is that she truly didn't know that there was an issue here - never mind that it was an issue she could take advantage of. Yeah, she doesn't *need* to know the latter, and knowing the former should be "bridge 101" - but it isn't. And in some cases, at least, knowledge of the Law is in fact a bridge skill.
Posted 2013-May-31, 14:24
Posted 2013-June-01, 02:09
nige1, on 2013-May-31, 14:24, said:

People meaning, like you above...
Posted 2013-June-01, 06:04
Posted 2013-June-01, 21:36
nige1, on 2013-May-31, 14:24, said:

He was talking about here in the forum, not at the table. When you're posting here, you can take you time and find the law on the web site.
And while there are some laws that are not always clear how they should be interpreted and applied, this one is pretty straight forward. This really is a "Simple Ruling": just quote the law and move on.
Posted 2013-June-02, 06:30
barmar, on 2013-June-01, 21:36, said:
Posted 2013-June-02, 11:10
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2013-June-02, 13:25
Posted 2013-June-03, 01:47
barmar, on 2013-June-01, 21:36, said:
"His" name is on his website. I normally check. Anyway, I find it much easier to flip through the book than find the law on the onlne version.
Yes, I thought so.
blackshoe, on 2013-June-02, 11:10, said:
DP to him and a ruling that is extra-favourable to his opponents.
It is a shame that the Drafting Committee were too idle to include a Table of Contents in the current version of the Laws. I got a table of contents off someone who produced one, and some people have coloured tabs at certain commonly-needed Laws.
Posted 2013-June-03, 13:43
They might have spent their time more productively writing a new book which restates the laws for those of us who don't like the way they are written.
Posted 2013-June-03, 13:56
aguahombre, on 2013-June-03, 13:43, said:
You mean there is someone who does like the way they are written?
Apparently at the last revision a member of the drafting committee suggested that the book be rewritten and reorganised, but the other members refused. (This member is, I believe, a great admirer of Kaplanese, so for him to make this suggestion shows that he felt quite strongly that the book in its current form is not fit for purpose, no matter how elegantly it is written).
Posted 2013-June-03, 17:00
aguahombre, on 2013-June-03, 13:43, said:
They might have spent their time more productively writing a new book which restates the laws for those of us who don't like the way they are written.
Don't worry, they did that as well. See this thread
Posted 2013-June-05, 07:33
Vampyr, on 2013-May-30, 20:35, said:
I don't believe it does. Rather it is committing another irregularity which has not been drawn attention to. The second irregularity was not necessarily consequent upon a prior irregularity, (the card withdrawn could have been played legally) so I don't think you can say it was an action that could be considered as drawing attention to an irregularity.
Posted 2013-June-05, 08:53