Tell me your continuation and some suggestion with the correct bid with many points after a 1 nt open
your auction
Posted 2013-May-21, 11:08
Tell me your continuation and some suggestion with the correct bid with many points after a 1 nt open
Posted 2013-May-21, 11:11
1NT is not to be opened on 18, ever, ever, ever. That's a REALLY REALLY bad bid, triple especially on a hand where all the honors are working.
2NT-3♣ (Checkback style)
3♠ (3♠)-4♣ (Cue)
4N (1430)-5♥ (2 without)
Easy auction, when you don't make a dumb 1NT opening.
Posted 2013-May-21, 11:53
1N(15-bad 19)-2♣(asking)
2N(3334 17-bad 19 GF)-3♠(suit setting, slammish)
3N(♥ cue)-4♣(cue)
5♣(0/3)-5♦(Q♠ ?)
6♣(Q♠, K♣, not K♥)-6♠
The problem with both this and Tyler's auction is that it also bids the slam opposite ♣K432 which is not quite no play, but not good.
Posted 2013-May-21, 11:56
2S-4S (mild slam try)
Posted 2013-May-21, 12:03
Cyberyeti, on 2013-May-21, 11:53, said:
The problem with both this and Tyler's auction is that it also bids the slam opposite ♣K432 which is not quite no play, but not good.
I would argue that in my case it doesn't, as without the J♣ (or some other compensating value like a red honor), it _does_ downgrade from a 2NT rebid to a 1N opening.
Posted 2013-May-21, 13:43
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2013-May-21, 13:48
TylerE, on 2013-May-21, 12:03, said:
TBF I'd upgrade if I had ♣K109x in conjunction with 10♥ that would be enough for me to bid it as 18 but doesn't help that much here (except that they may need to lead a trump now to avoid giving the contract if opening leader has only 3 clubs).
Posted 2013-May-21, 14:12
KQJ QJ4 KQJ QJxx that is a reasonable downgrade
to 1n but be very wary of downgrading ANY hand when
the power is heavily located in controls most especially
strong hands 15+ because p may not want to do anything
but issue a mild slam try when they are missing a lot of
controls. One of the first steps in hand evaluation is to
look and see if p has the max number of controls, for their
bidding, is slam reasonable.
After hearing p open 1n responder should only search for slam
if they hafve a reasonble way of finding a 5 card suit in openers
hand. It is too difficult to picture a 17 balanced hand that will give
6 good play.
3d nmf
3s 3 card support
4c cue
4d cue
4s unwilling to go past 4 w/o a heart control
4n hand can't be much better for slamming p rkc
and all side suits are controlled.
5h 2 w/o
Posted 2013-May-21, 14:38
You are headed for a lot of missed games opening 1nt on these cards.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2013-May-21, 16:52
patroclo, on 2013-May-21, 11:08, said:
Tell me your continuation and some suggestion with the correct bid with many points after a 1 nt open
I agree that 1NT is not right with this one .... too strong .
And, Responder really falls a little short of slammish ... that K J 9 6th is nothing to brag about.
In any case, I've toyed with the following system:
1NT - 2H!
2S! - 3C! ( either real 2nd ♣ suit OR long ♠; slammish )
.. 3D = agree ♣, 4 or 5 cards
.. 3H = agree ♠, 3 cards
.. 3S = agree both
3S - 3NT! ( next step = long major only )
4C ( Ctrl cue )
..... - 4D ( Ctrl cue )
4H ( Ctrl cue )
..... - 4NT ( RKC for ♠ )
5C ( 0/3 )
..... - 5D ( ♠ Q-ask )
6C ( ♠ Q + ♣ K )
..... - 6S
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2013-May-22, 03:23
Posted 2013-May-22, 05:25
My weak NT system goes:
1♣ - 1♠
2NT - 3♦
3♠ - 4♣
4♦ - 4♠
4NT - 5♥
3♦ is GF checkback
4♣, 4♦ are cues
4NT is 1430
Molybdenum system goes:
P - 1♠
1NT - 2♥
3♦ - 4♣
4♦ - 4♠
4NT - 5♥
P = 11+ unbalanced or 14+ balanced
1♠ = 13+ artificial
1NT = 14-19 balanced
2♥ = Relay for ♠
3♦ = 17-19, 3 ♠s
4♣, 4♦ = cue
4♠ = no interest in a grand, no heart control
4NT, 5♥, 6♠ same as above