But it is still frustrating how often GIB has no understanding of very basic auctions.
Here are examples, all from a recent 12-board robot tourney I played:
Board 1:
Yes, GIB still does not understand double-and-bid.
Board 5:
Note that 2H shows 3+ only according to GIB, and as a result there was no slam try in hearts available over 3H.
Board 6:
One of GIB's questionable penalty passes with 3 trumps.
Board 9:
GIB prefers to show his 3-card heart suit rather than his 5th club. Also note that 2C shows just 4+, 4+ in the minors.
Board 11:
With xx xxx Axxx KJxx, GIB raises my 1C opening to 2C, then somehow thinks he hasn't shown his hand yet and makes one of his weird competitive doubles of their 2S, showing two spades exactly.
I had 62% in the tourney, so this wasn't a terrible outlier either. And I still omitted another hand or two where GIB just used terrible judgment. (Jumping 1C-3N with a hand full of empty aces.)
I think what makes it most frustrating is that there clearly have been quite a few changes recently, but some aren't even clearly good changes (e.g. after 1H-3H, new suits used to be natural slam tries, now they are suddenly meaningless cuebids), and many of the simplest possible auctions are still completely wrong. (Double-and-bid is something one would teach beginners in the 3rd lesson...)