South paused for a couple of seconds before pausing, not a BIT by the standards of the club but still obvious. The question is whether you want to compete or not.
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a day at the club #7
Posted 2013-May-16, 02:52
I missed a hand from the club tournament list, although perhaps it is obvious enough not to be interesting. This was played in round 9 against a pair of ladies who are in the better half of the field.
South paused for a couple of seconds before pausing, not a BIT by the standards of the club but still obvious. The question is whether you want to compete or not.
South paused for a couple of seconds before pausing, not a BIT by the standards of the club but still obvious. The question is whether you want to compete or not.
(-: Zel :-)
Posted 2013-May-16, 03:10
pass. I hope you didn't bid 3H
... and I can prove it with my usual, flawless logic.
George Carlin
George Carlin
Posted 2013-May-16, 03:25
gwnn, on 2013-May-16, 03:10, said:
pass. I hope you didn't bid 3H
(-: Zel :-)
Posted 2013-May-16, 03:50
If any of the other threads are a yardstick, you probably bid 3NT or 4♠!
Posted 2013-May-17, 15:48
I am not one of those who prefers to go -1100 then -110 letting the opps play
2 of a major:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Sometimes its their hand.
2 of a major:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Sometimes its their hand.
Posted 2013-May-17, 17:54
I admit that at matchpoints I'd double.
It's not good bridge, but i doubt defending 2S is our best result.
It's not good bridge, but i doubt defending 2S is our best result.
Posted 2013-May-21, 06:32
I did double, which cannot be that bad if Frances would do it. Partner bid 3♥ (no Lebensohl) and then Opener decided to come back for seconds with 3♠ ("I had a singleton heart partner"). Declarer made 8 tricks in spades (DD says 7). 3♥ has chances but would probably have drifted one off.
(-: Zel :-)
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