South plays 3NT.
On a minor suit lead, Dummy wins and declarer cashes 7 minor-suit tricks, leaving this position with 6 cards left.
South can now take two different lines depending on how much he likes west. He can torture him a bit extra by cashing the last club, forcing west to be endplayed the next trick, or he can be nicer and lead a heart, forcing west to concede the 9th trick to either two hearts, a heart and a spade, or a spade and the club.
In addition, west can defeat the contract by leading one of his AKs at trick one, but he has to lead exactly one or one from each suit before switching to a minor. If west leads the king of hearts and switches to a club, then this position occurs when south cashes his winners.
West can simply discard two hearts on the two minor-suited kings and the defense will come to 5 tricks.
What would you lead with the west hand? The bidding was, with north dealer and no interference, 1♥ - 1♠ - 3♥ - 3NT.
Also, the contract fails on any of the above leads if you switch the location of the major suit twos and always makes if you switch the location of the major suit threes, fives, or sixes