Would you make a Michael's overcall with this powerhouse?
Would you make a Michael's overcall with this?
Posted 2013-May-12, 23:44
Would you make a Michael's overcall with this powerhouse?
Posted 2013-May-13, 00:17
I would consider it close (but still do it) if we were vulnerable, or non vul if only 5-5.
The hands to be careful on are ones like Axxxx Kxxxx xx x where we have defence and may go for a number when their contract doesn't make.
Posted 2013-May-13, 07:01
this hand is a great example. If p was a passed hand I
would bid michales in a heartbeat at favorable since it
quickly shows 2 ways we can make a save and I can subside
thereafter. The downside of michaels here opposite an unpassed
p is we will frequently get too high when p has "stuff". Those
losses will generally be small and might even win against
part scores. We will gain huge when p can find a useful
sacrifice that would never be found if we are silent.
When we are even vul the odds of a successful sac go down
but might still be worthwhile if Nvul. Would never think about
Michales at unfavorable since the only time we have a chance of
being right is when p is very strong and we will most likely
get a chance to hear that on their next turn to bid.
Posted 2013-May-13, 08:04
Your bid? 5♣ seems easy, but what if you miss a ♣ slam? Maybe 5♣ is too high? You are not sure what East actually holds in the ♥ suit.
Posted 2013-May-13, 08:31
Posted 2013-May-13, 08:42
wank, on 2013-May-13, 08:31, said:
I like this. 3♥ and 3♠ would therefore be forcing. Implying what though? A stopper searching for 3NT maybe?
Posted 2013-May-13, 08:55
Posted 2013-May-13, 09:16
manudude03, on 2013-May-13, 08:55, said:
This is also good. How about using 2M as game invitational (whatever meaning you and partner assign to the bid) and 3M as game force, slam try not excluded (again, whatever meaning you and partner assign to the 3M bid).
Posted 2013-May-13, 10:49
I might make a Michaels Cuebid, though...
(yes, I'm being petty. Yes, this one annoys me more than most, for reasons that might be understandable to people who have been reading me for a while).
Posted 2013-May-13, 12:06
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2013-May-13, 13:32
blackshoe, on 2013-May-13, 12:06, said:
Posted 2013-May-13, 23:57
This was a truly bizarre hand where E/W can make 4♠ on a combined 9 HCP. 34 was a top. At one table East bid to 5♠ undoubled which only goes down 1 for an outright top. At least half the field found the minor suit slam, mostly in ♣. We still managed to score above average here when N/S stopped in 5♦ at our table.
Posted 2013-May-14, 00:55
Posted 2013-May-14, 04:55
If East has the worst possible hand (xxxxx,Xxxxx,xx,x) we only loose 4.5 tricks. But then slam is very very likely except partner has a heart trick and we get the spade trick, too. So 6 spade is mostly a good defense against slam AND game.
There might be different strategies for west. You can bid the spades slow and decide to bid 6 spade later. But against good opps I m worried about a possible grand slam. Than a slow 6 spade bid might assist the opps in reaching the Grand.
So I would prefer to bid 6 spade as wests first bid. And if East has a strong Cue against west´s expectations, 6 spade might be a good contract, too.
At this hand advanced opps should reach 6 clubs or diamonds after the 4 Spade bid. The main reason for missing the slam are opps missing agreements against Michaels.