It was a goulash tourney and at the second trick when the Q♥ is played East claims 12 tricks without stating a line of play. I am sitting South and refuse the claim after about a second.
Now the fun part. East (an Expert) tanks for a few seconds and ruffs high thus promoting my Q♠ into the setting trick. He starts drawing trumps, sees the situation, stalls, calls me a 'liar' and tells me I was not correct to refuse the claim. A few moments later he quits the table.
He is the one who made the claim it is not my fault if he inferred the wrong information from my refusal, he dug a hole for himself. Had he not claimed he would have probably ruffed low and made the contract. Am I supposed to accept the claim?? Was the tempo in which I refused the claim ethical? Is bridge evolving this way? I even fear there maybe bad TD's out there who would rule in his favour!
Gazumper writes "IMPs, again. This time the contract is doubled. It was a goulash tourney and at the second trick when the Q♥ is played East claims 12 tricks without stating a line of play. I am sitting South and refuse the claim after about a second. Now the fun part. East (an Expert) tanks for a few seconds and ruffs high thus promoting my Q♠ into the setting trick. He starts drawing trumps, sees the situation, stalls, calls me a 'liar' and tells me I was not correct to refuse the claim. A few moments later he quits the table. He is the one who made the claim it is not my fault if he inferred the wrong information from my refusal, he dug a hole for himself. Had he not claimed he would have probably ruffed low and made the contract. Am I supposed to accept the claim?? Was the tempo in which I refused the claim ethical? Is bridge evolving this way? I even fear there maybe bad TD's out there who would rule in his favour!"
Who doubled? Anyway, IMO, the behaviour of Gazumper and partner is legal and ethical -- especially playing on-line. Perhaps, declarer should be reported both because of his bad manners and because his claim may have been a fishing expedition, (assuming he is not a novice "expert").