Posted 2004-December-31, 20:29
The initial plan was ok.
After the bad trump break you had a chance to make it, and it was time to rethink, even harder then before, and not feel bad for not thinking about it initially, what you need to do is picture east hand that will make it possible to make the game.
After the A of diamond and playing the Q of heart the heart position is E:10x
S:Q9xx, with east on the lead.
since you have no trump in the north hand the only way you will make this "finnese" is but ruffing all you 9xx of heart, to do this you need 3 entries to dummy, east can help by playing spade which give us a free rufff and now we will need only 2 entries, or play diamond or club anyway will need the club finnese for the entry.
Now for this special trump finnese to work we need to cash our non trump tricks in time, because if we dont cash them early enough, east will discard the suit which we have winners and later we wont be able to catch them since he will ruff.
For all this to work we need luck having east with a good shape for us.
So lets picture a hand that will make this dream possible
imagine east having 4423 would not because when we will try to ruff a diamond east will drop a club.
Lets try 4432 still not good we wont be able to take our clubs.
3433 is much less likely in the bidding but lets try it anyway.
This one could accturally work if east helps us with a spade ruff, we ruff the spade , take Q of D , club to the 10, second diamond ruff, now K of club, and club to the A, and we are home with our last ruff.
another possibility that we can make with the spade ruff help is 3424.
And last 3442 , we can still make, droping a club on the diamond.
After analyzing alot you might find the solution , or on bad days find that there isnt a solution but you must think hard to get there. Here we found out that to make it we need east to play a spade back, and have only 3 spades and 2/3/4 diamond.
To make this work on all 2/3/4 diamonds we need to be a bit more carfull after the spad ruff, to play the Q of diamond , then club to the J, and a diamond ruff, now if east was 24 or 33 in minors AK club and last ruff to get home.
If wast is 42 we play club to the 10, K diamond droping the A of club, and last ruff in hand.
With more expirence we would know that for this kind of play to work we cant have more winners in the minors then east got cards cards in the minors then east which will make it easier to know we cant make it if he got 4 spades (which leave him less minors then we have winners) and can only make it if he has 3 spades but let us cut the extra one.