This one from a very casual ("takeout double" and "penalty double" are almost separate calls) game today. The "field" consisted of 4 I/A (me included) and 4 N/B, but even for N/B this is a trivial hand to bid. Let's take the other table first:
The 2NT upgrade isn't unreasonable but poor West was simply flummoxed by this
At our table we took the insanity factor to a new level:
My redouble was a little speculative to say the least, but I had an absolute max for the bidding, a useful club honour and was picturing somewhat more than five clubs opposite... South had five clubs to the Jack, partner misplayed it and when the dust settled that was -2200 and 19 imps out.
Second up, this one from club teams a few weeks back.
At our table the bidding by our LOL opponents was as shown. They had had a reverse-related mixup on the first board against us, which might explain South's offshape 2NT. North bid the obvious 3NT, I led the SJ and partner... ducked! A grateful declarer won her singleton queen and
At the other table our team-mates made it to the stone-cold 6C... but somehow went one down. So that's a 3-pair disaster - and two of those are strong county-level pairs to boot.
Bonus points for 4-pair disasters and hands from international events
