With a reverse and pd's jump, what next
Posted 2013-April-01, 01:14
I have two questions:
1) What does 3♥ mean?
2) How to proceed after 3♥?
Posted 2013-April-01, 02:48
Posted 2013-April-01, 07:06
HeartA, on 2013-April-01, 01:14, said:
I have two questions:
1) What does 3♥ mean?
2) How to proceed after 3♥?
p - 1C
1S - 2D
.. 2H! = artificial weakness bid ( Lebensohl or Ingberman )
.. 2S = 5+ cards, some play GF; others forcing 1 round
..2NT = natural, GF
.. 3C = natural, GF
.. 3D = natural, GF
.. 3H = 5/5 ♠/♥, GF
After :
3H - 4H
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2013-April-01, 11:02
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2013-April-01, 07:06, said:
1S - 2D
.. 2H! = artificial weakness bid ( Lebensohl or Ingberman )
.. 2S = 5+ cards, some play GF; others forcing 1 round
..2NT = natural, GF
.. 3C = natural, GF
.. 3D = natural, GF
.. 3H = 5/5 ♠/♥, GF
After :
3H - 4H
With Disagreement on 3♥ bid, I don't see any reasoning for using your convention here. 2♥ (4th suit) is still forcing (even in your convention here) because a passed hand can have hcp up to 12, especially facing a cansual partner. Besides, I don't believe 2NT/3♣/3♦ is forcing. I take 2NT as invitational, 3♣/3♦ is forced to choose a minor.
Posted 2013-April-01, 11:16
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2013-April-01, 14:43
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2013-April-01, 11:16, said:
Thanks for response. There are two issues here.
1) The conventions here you post need to be discussed between partners. I post this example for cansual partnership with basic 2/1. So the question here is, withour discuss, what interpretation of 3♥ is more reasonable?
2) I don't like this convention, for reasons I mentioned in the previous post. I think 2M/3m as sign-off is good enough.
Posted 2013-April-01, 17:24
If it is agreed what 3♥ means, the question is redundant. But if it is undiscussed, we are not safe to be released into the general community.
Question 2: With extreme caution and a tranquiliser gun.
Posted 2013-April-01, 17:42
Playing with a casual partner, I'll look at it from both sides.
I. Holding the weak hand, I would never bid 3♥. Whatever it should mean, there is no reason to think that partner will figure out what I do mean. In particular, if I held a minority view on what the sign-off sequences are and I had not discussed this with my casual partner, I would not expect him to intuit that I hold these views and then be able to reason from there to figure out my intentions with 3♥. But anyway, I just wouldn't do it.
II. Holding the strong hand, if partner bids 3♥ I bid 4♥. If 3♥ was a splinter he will be delighted to hear that I have the ace of hearts. If he has hearts, he will be delighted to hear I have heart support. Playing an unfamiliar sequence with a pick up I am always happy to find that we are not playing at the 4 level in a 3-1 fit.
Posted 2013-April-01, 17:48
PhilKing, on 2013-April-01, 17:24, said:
If it is agreed what 3♥ means, the question is redundant. But if it is undiscussed, we are not safe to be released into the general community.
Question 2: With extreme caution and a tranquiliser gun.
Maybe this should be in a poll. But anyway, which interpretation is more reasonable? Splinter or real suit (natural)?
Posted 2013-April-01, 18:05
HeartA, on 2013-April-01, 17:48, said:
Both are entirely reasonable. I prefer 55+ inv but I guess the majority would prefer splinter. Neither are particularly likely or necessary.
But as Ken says, just bid 4♥ and see.
Posted 2013-April-01, 18:22
This hand was posted on the Natural Bidding Forum. I guess that's a hint.
There have been times when opponents have asked for an explanation of my partner's bidding and the only true answer is "Beats the hell out of me". This may be one of those times.
Posted 2013-April-01, 21:37
A slam is missed. After this board is finished, we had a dispute about the meaning of 3♥.
Posted 2013-April-02, 07:43
Anyway, I like the hand. And I still don't have a strong opinion about what 3♥ should be.
Edit, following up on my earlier kickback concern: I have a partner who likes kickback. So far I have declined, and this hand might be my exhibit A. If 3♥ is understood as a splinter, then 4♥ is kickback, right? So the bid over 4♥ is not 5♦, it is either 4♠ or 4NT, depending on the version. After which God only knows what he makes of that, because he thinks that 4♥ raised hearts. If the bid over 4♥ is 4♠, he probably treats that as kickback with hearts as trump.
I'm sure kickback is a great convention for those who never have misunderstandings. I am not one of those people
Posted 2013-April-02, 09:03
It would be a rarity, but so would a 5s/5h hand.
The only other possible splinter sequence for a 2D reverse would be:
1C - 1H
2D - 3S!
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2013-April-03, 01:47
Posted 2013-April-03, 10:42
lowerline, on 2013-April-03, 01:47, said:
For me, any unnecessary jump is splinter. After partner shows 2 minors, I don't see the reason to jump to 4th suit as natural.
Posted 2013-April-03, 12:20
Posted 2013-April-04, 06:45
HeartA, on 2013-April-03, 10:42, said:
I would never assume '4th suit with a jump' to be a Splinter without prior agreement... I would have bid a forcing 3♦ with your hand.
Besides, this is not an unnecessary jump because 2♥ would not have been natural (4SF). 3♥ is the only way to bid hearts naturally and to discover a possible 5-3 heart fit. 4♥ is the unnecessary jump and is clearly a Splinter.