Cyberyeti, on 2013-March-18, 08:22, said:
The auction is not a misprint, S revealed that he thought he'd bid 2♦ rather than 2♠ and only woke up to the fact that he hadn't by the looks on 3 faces when he bid 4N, 5♦ was 1 or 4 of 5.
Anyway, you have to lead to this mess, and settle on J♥ (be interested to know what you would lead)
Dummy's K wins partner playing the 7 to most likely show an even number and declarer plays A♦ (partner showing odd) and a club to the ace (partner showing odd). Now a stream of diamonds follow, on the 4th round, you pitch an easy club and partner pitches the smallest outstanding heart to confirm an even number. Declarer pitches spades from dummy on rounds 2-4.
What do you discard on the 5th diamond (and the 6th) ?
Thinking about declarer's auction: 4N is presumably Keycard, and the fact he's able to bid 7NT means he can tell the difference between the
♦A and the
♠K. He's therefore almost certainly holding the
♠AK. Partner's even hearts means declarer also has even hearts; similarly he has even clubs; so his only possible shape is 3=2=6=2 (since he's shown at least one of each round suit and, by inference, 2+
He's got 6 diamond tricks, two clubs, two hearts, and two spades. He needs the 13th. If I throw a second club, he cashes the diamonds, a heart, and then either leads up in clubs or cashes the spades, winning in either case. If I throw a spade, declarer can just bang down the AK in full confidence that I've set up his J. I therefore pitch two hearts.
Of course, a canny declarer then plays his
♥A, squeezing me once more. If my layout is correctly inferred, the contract's unbeatable.
For the contract to go off, I need partner to have something in spades; in that case I can chuck the spades straight away (e.g. give declarer A/AQ9x/KQJTxx/Ax) and I must keep the hearts. I can't see why declarer would bid 7NT here, though. This is playing for declarer to be either 1=4=6=2 or 1=2=6=4.
My third option is to play partner for a falsecard, though why he'd do so here when he knows I may well need the information is beyond me. I trust partner, and pitch the spades. At least I've got a good bit of deduction for the bar afterwards if it doesn't work...