...and then, having ruled that a weighted score is correct, try to work out the weightings; I think is what is being argued?
Weighted rulings Determining percentages
Posted 2013-April-22, 17:14
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)
Posted 2013-April-22, 19:02
campboy, on 2013-April-22, 15:06, said:
Well, a typical case is as follows. Declarer has to guess a queen, and should have no useful information. Because of MI, or because of a misleading pause or whatever, he thinks he knows where it is. We are sure that with the infraction he will always get it wrong, and you are sure that without the infraction he will sometimes, but not always, get it right. So we are sure that a weighted score is correct (except in the ACBL).
Thank you. That, I understand. The ones I don't like are the ones where we are adjusting the auction to a different one; in those cases, I believe a decision should be reached and stuck with taking into account all the buzz phrases such as "least favorable", "more likely", "partnership methods", etc. But first we must agree that the OS was the OS.
"Bidding Spades to show spades can work well." (Kenberg)