1S-2H opener's rebid
Posted 2013-March-26, 05:10
Posted 2013-March-26, 06:23
1S-2H-2S min without H fit, 5+ spades, still could be very bad 53H(32)
1s-2H: 4H or splinter 4C/D 11-14
1s-2H-3H: 15+ 3H unbalanced->3S relays: 3NT= extras 18+, 4C/D 15-17 spl with 3H, 4H 15-17 6S3H22
1s-2H-2NT 15+ incl some unbal hands: 3C Relay->
3D=6spades not good for immediate jump,3H=5s3H32/5s4H22, 3S=6S/4H(-3NT asks spl),3NT=15-17 5332h, 4C/D=spl 5s/4+H
1s-2H-3NT=18-19 5s2h33
If 2s always 6+ then just good luck:)
Posted 2013-March-26, 06:24
1♠-2♥ 10+HCP, 5 hearts.
-2♠ Catchall bid, inability to make any other call. Typically a minimum with 5 spades and less than 3 hearts.
-2NT Artificial game force.
-3m Game forcing, natural.
-3♥ Natural, invitational.
-3♠ Natural, invitational.
-3NT To play.
-4m Splinter
-4M To play.
-4NT RKCB in hearts.
After 1♠-2♥-2♠:
-2NT Natural, invitational.
-3m Natural, game forcing.
-3M Natural, invitational.
-3NT To play.
-4m Splinter in support of spades.
-4M To play.
-4NT RKCB in spades.
We also play BART, so invitational hands with hearts and a minor can bid 1NT. Opener's diamond rebid over 1NT promises 4 cards, and he rebids 2♣ as a catchall, allowing responder to use BART more often.
Posted 2013-March-26, 07:30
2♠ = various
2NT = 6 spades
3♣/♦ = whatever you normally play them as (I play 5-5 any, but 54+ 15+ fits this scheme)
3♥ = good 3-card raise or 5422 (3♠ asks shape)
3NT = 5233 12-14
4♣/♦ = weak splinter
4♥ = picture
After 1♠-2♥-2♠,2NT asks (the usual bid, but obv not compulsory):
3♣ = nat, whatever range or shape not shown by immediate 3♣
3 ♦ = nat
3♥ = weak 3 card raise or 5422 (3♠ asks shape)
3♠ = 63M
4♣/♦ = good splinter
4♥ = good picture
Posted 2013-March-26, 09:26
I like the look of your inverted scheme. With the usual 2♠ 6+ and 2NT catch-all, is it a similar scheme just less efficient?
Posted 2013-March-26, 09:53
lmilne, on 2013-March-26, 09:26, said:
I like the look of your inverted scheme. With the usual 2♠ 6+ and 2NT catch-all, is it a similar scheme just less efficient?
It's doable. You have to play a 3♠ response to a relay as showing clubs, which loses one of the rare hand-types (63M) and is worse when responder was intending to relay before supporting spades or just needed to explore. You also now should play 3♠ over 2NT as showing 5-5+ in ♥ and ♣ but it's otherwise OK except that opener is arbitrarily bidding 2NT on a lot of hands. At least when 2NT shows 6♠ you usually belong in 4♠ anyway.
Posted 2013-March-26, 13:52
lmilne, on 2013-March-26, 05:10, said:
fwiw I play 2s as 6+ so:
2nt=you assume pard has minimum 11-13, natural
3c or 3d are natural but not extras again you assume pard has 10-13.
With 17+ opener will bid again.
That means the two suited hands in the range of 14-16 may cause you a problem. In practice this has not been a big deal but you can come up hands in this range that will cause an issue. Again because for me a2/1 shows a pretty darn good hand opener will very often have less than responder and responder assumes such. Also please note this approach throws some, hands in a SF 1nt response, again not that big of an issue but one to be aware of.
Posted 2013-March-27, 15:02
We don't usually open 1NT with 15-17 with 5 spades but open 1S
1S - 2H -
2♠ = various, might have 4-card heart support
2NT = 6 spades, usually not 3 hearts
3♣/3♦ = natural, decent 14+ HCP, 5 cards
3♥ =15+ HCP with 3 hearts (artificial continuations) or 4 hearts and no shortage
3♠ = extra values, sets spades as trumps
3NT = 5233 15-17 (responder's continuations transfers)
4m = splinter, good 14+ HCP
4H = 5422 11-13
4S = undefined (technically it ought to be keycard in hearts according to our agreements but I doubt we would dare)
2NT = relay (virtually every hand asks)
3♣/3♦ = 6-5 or possibly a very concentrated 5-5, natural
3♥ = sets hearts as trumps
3♠ = sets spades as trumps
others basically don't exist (I could construct possible hands)
after 2NT asking
3♣/3♦ = natural, 4 cards any range or 5 cards min
3♥ = 3 card support or 4 hearts and no shortage (3♠ asks)
3♠ = 12-14/18-19 5233
3NT = 6-3 majors, forcing
3m = 54 majors, splinter, min HCP
There are two routes to 3♥, but continuations are the same except the ranges are different
3♠ asks, then
3NT = balanced
4m = splinter, 3 -card support
4H = 5422
4S = keycard
Posted 2013-March-27, 15:15
FrancesHinden, on 2013-March-27, 15:02, said:
It's based on a Crouch thing from the late 1980s (but for all I know, it may pre-date the Cantabrian cave paintings) - I started playing it with Hobson in 1989.
Posted 2013-March-28, 06:51
Posted 2013-May-31, 11:14
PhilKing, on 2013-March-26, 07:30, said:
I also play something similar to this. How do you show 18-19 balanced as opener? I think we would bid 1♠-2♥-2♠-2NT-3NT but this puts the strong hand on the table. Perhaps this is the main disadvantage of using 2NT to show 6 spades.
EDIT: Actually how about switching it up and using 1S-2H-3NT as 18-19 and 1S-2H-2S-2NT-3NT as 12-14?
Posted 2013-May-31, 12:10
Posted 2013-May-31, 13:01
Winstonm, on 2013-May-31, 12:10, said:
Well yes, but if you actually read the scheme above, 1S-2H-2NT is artificial showing 6+S.
Posted 2013-May-31, 14:36
broze, on 2013-May-31, 13:01, said:
The OP stated, "Interested mostly in systems that have 2S rebids as showing 6+, but if you have the full details of a 2S catch-all type system I'd be interested too." I thought I was addressing that question.
Posted 2013-May-31, 15:40
broze, on 2013-May-31, 11:14, said:
EDIT: Actually how about switching it up and using 1S-2H-3NT as 18-19 and 1S-2H-2S-2NT-3NT as 12-14?
Yep. That's what I do. I can only assume I was on hallucinatory when I said the jump to 3NT showed the weak NT.
Posted 2013-June-09, 13:12
2nt balanced!12-14
3c 3d (not balanced single or void h)
3s 4c 4d splinter 15+
3nt(19+ balanced)
4h(12-14!or 12-16 balanced)
tansfer 2/1 respond may better!