The bidding went, nonvulnerable against vulnerable with north dealer:
P - P - 1♠ - P
2♠ - P - 3♦ - P
4♠ - AP
I'm south.
3 diamonds was a suit try, and since I was playing with GIB, they leaped to game.
The lead was the 5 of hearts. I played the jack from dummy, covered by the queen and ruffed.
I counted my tricks, even though that's generally a notrump thing, finding 4 spades, 2 clubs, and a diamond. I could attempt to ruff 2 clubs in dummy before drawing trumps and establish a heart, but it was likely I would be overruffed or uppercutted on the 4th club. There were also the diamonds to think about.
I played 2 rounds of trumps, ending in dummy. I then led the king of hearts, overtaken by the ace and ruffed in my hands. I played 2 rounds of clubs and ruffed a club, then I led the good heart from dummy and discarded a club.
I then led the jack of diamonds from dummy, east and I ducked and west won the queen. I've got 8 tricks in the bank and need two more.
Here is the 4 card ending, with west on lead:
Even if west cashes his two queens, he's endplayed on the diamonds, having to lead away from his 9, as long as I discard 2 hearts from dummy. It doesn't matter what east discards- even if he discards the king I still take 10 tricks.
Unfortunately, on the queen of clubs, I discarded a diamond from dummy, and west led a low diamond. I played dummy's 10 and east played low (since he discarded the king ) and I couldn't overtake with the ace without the 9 of diamonds taking the last trick. Oh well.