TWO4BRIDGE, on 2013-March-19, 17:28, said:
I like Mikeh's mini-splinter ( 3D-jump over Responder's 2C ) and I agree it is pretty tuff to bid the grand w/o some form of RKC:
1H - 2C
3D! - 4C ( since Responder doesn't have a Major suit cue, he is resigned to bid 4C )
?? ( now we can use Zelandakh's replies for minor suit, slammish hands )
At this point, Responder doesn't need a 2nd K-ask .
He can work out a 13 trick scenario in 7C with his strong, long ♣ suit:
1s, 2h, 1d, 3 ♦-ruffs, 6c = 13 ( without using the ♥Q )
He should never count 3 diamond ruffs, since the standard expert lead against a grand is a trump. This is usually on the basis that it pays to be passive and to strive to give nothing away, and usually opps who bid a suit grand have no hole in the trump suit (tho this wasn't the case in a spectacular hand from the 2010 WC). It becomes even more obvious to lead a trump on a splinter auction.
The other point on which I disagree is that you state that it is 'pretty tuff' to bid a grand without keycard. My view is that that is the case only for players who have learned to think that it is a crime to bid slams or grands without it. I gave an auction on which I think it is fairly easy to bid grand without keycard, and I don't just make those up for the forum. I don't keep track and I don't play much any more, but I'd venture that of all the grands I've bid in the last 5 years, we managed it without keycard at least 30% of the time. Keycard is a crutch. It is a very useful crutch and there are undoubtedly a lot of hands on which it is essential but this hand isn't one of them.
I mean, look at the S hand after a 2/1 2
♣ response. Ask yourself this question: if as S I were allowed only one bid and that would end the auction, wouldn't we expect a panel to vote mainly for 6
♣ but with grand as the second choice, ahead of any game contract?
And even without keycard we should be able to use the 4 levels of bidding between 2 and 6 in order to find out that responder likes his hand for slam purposes (which he surely does after a splinter).
Seriously, if anyone here thinks that this is a 'tough' grand to reach without keycard, they should probably arrange to play for a year without any ace asking mechanism, and will find that they will soon learn to bid this sort of hand very accurately despite the lack. Then, once able to use both keycard and natural bidding, they will find their slam bidding to be vastly improved.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari