preempts voids weak 2s & higher preempts
Posted 2013-March-05, 17:56
i have heard new concepts that include voids
please comment on this controversy
reasons not to include voids
reasons to include them
it takes all of us
Posted 2013-March-05, 18:04
Does it? How curious.I don't think it does. How else can a pre emptor make a penalty x for an unusual lead, and there are many examples of these. I can certainly have a void when I pre empt.
Posted 2013-March-05, 18:44
We have rules about outside honor cards vs trump quality in early position, but not about voids.
Posted 2013-March-05, 21:00
"Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make them all yourself."
"One advantage of bad bidding is that you get practice at playing atrocious contracts."
-Alfred Sheinwold
Posted 2013-March-05, 21:17
EDIT: The hand above has an additional flaw, a 4-card spade suit, and I would strongly recommend against opening 2♥ in 1st or 2nd.
Posted 2013-March-05, 22:50
the hog, on 2013-March-05, 18:04, said:
Does it? How curious.I don't think it does. How else can a pre emptor make a penalty x for an unusual lead, and there are many examples of these. I can certainly have a void when I pre empt.
Larry Cohen addresses the idea of opening a weak 2 with a void, so it's something I suspect that people have brought up before. You're mental not to do it imho. Sometimes it can be a reason to do it. Are you seriously not going to open this 2S (heck, I'd consider 3S) third in at G vs R:
S: KJT987
H: -
D: Q982
C: 864
Posted 2013-March-05, 23:04
Cthulhu D, on 2013-March-05, 22:50, said:
Of course in this position all discipline goes out the window.
Posted 2013-March-05, 23:37
Cthulhu D, on 2013-March-05, 23:33, said:
When I do this it's partner who has all the hearts

Posted 2013-March-05, 23:59
Posted 2013-March-09, 10:53
The void is a hazard, in that if you preempt on a 7330, and the opponents play in your 3-card suit, your hand may unexpectedly produce a defensive ruff -- which isn't a bad thing if your opponents overbid... but is a very bad thing if you are in a contract where both sides are not making, and you are left holding the short end of the stick. Often partner will sacrifice when one trick from your hand isn't enough to beat the opponents, and these sacrifices will be phantoms when you had a bonus ruff coming.
I have never shied away from 3-level and higher preempts with a void - even with one ace and a void, taking my chances I don't have 2 defensive tricks - but I and many others learned never to make a weak two with a void, which had more to do with having the constructive value of your hand confined to a modest range discoverable by your partner.
Posted 2013-March-10, 13:03
Posted 2013-March-10, 15:28
Posted 2013-March-10, 15:40
Posted 2013-March-12, 09:08
At 2-level it's a bit different because holding a void means holding a side 4 card suit and a side 3 card suit, 2 potential alternative strains to play. Nevertheless I usually open them anyway, unless with a side 4 card Major.
Posted 2013-March-12, 09:16
Posted 2013-March-12, 09:25
barmar, on 2013-March-12, 09:16, said:
Most bridge authors have never played in the Bermuda Bowl.

Posted 2013-March-12, 15:35
PhilKing, on 2013-March-12, 09:25, said:

When I look at my bridge bookshelf, I see books by Mike Lawrence, Larry Cohen, Marty Bergen, Ron Anderson, Eric Rodwell, and Jeff Rubens. I don't know how many of them have played specifically in the BB, but they play in many comparable tournaments.
Posted 2013-March-12, 16:05
barmar, on 2013-March-12, 15:35, said:
Bird, Smith, Segal, Hardy, Rexford, King ....
Posted 2013-March-12, 18:30
Cthulhu D, on 2013-March-05, 22:50, said:
S: KJT987
H: -
D: Q987
C: 8642
I'd call the director.