Bid the same values twice?
Posted 2013-March-05, 12:34
You open a strong club, LHO bids 1H, your partner bids 2D, RHO bids 2H, you bid 3H showing short hearts and 4 diamonds, and partner bids 3N. Do you bid?
For what its worth, partner with a double heart stopper and Hxxxx of diamonds would have started with 1N, so you can infer he has either KQxxx of diamonds, or 1 heart stopper, or an unbalanced hand like 5431. Imps.
Posted 2013-March-05, 13:00
Edit: removed 14th card from the example hand.
This post has been edited by gnasher: 2013-March-05, 14:06
Posted 2013-March-05, 13:17
Arguably, the opponent's Heart fit combined with my shortage cause my hand to revalue.
(Yes, partner has some wasted values in Hearts, but the opponent's have more)
If I have some way to show club length, I'll do so
Otherwise I'll pass
Posted 2013-March-05, 13:20
First, Justin states that partner cannot have a double heart stop or he would have started with 1NT rather than 2♦. Opener then shows his hand - short hearts, 4 diamonds - and partner bids 3NT. Again, from the initial explanation, partner cannot have a double heart stop but is suggesting 3NT opposite your known heart shortness. He must have a black suit K, so I pass 3NT, hoping to take 5 diamonds, a heart and 3 or 4 black suit tricks.
Andy then posts a 14 card hand (OK, so assume a doubleton small spade) with a double heart stop. Sure, 3NT is the right spot with this hand, but Justin said that partner would have bid 1NT if he held this hand.
Slam cannot be an option on this hand, so the choices of possible contracts are 3NT, 4♦ (could be right but it would be hard to stop there) or 5♦. 3NT seems like the most likely game, so I am passing.
Posted 2013-March-05, 14:00
ArtK78, on 2013-March-05, 13:20, said:
Can I offer ll you a deal? I'll correct my 14-carder, and you reread the original post.
Posted 2013-March-05, 14:40
gnasher, on 2013-March-05, 14:00, said:
OK. What you are saying is that with very strong diamonds partner would bid 2♦ even if he had a double heart stopper. I'll buy that.
Still seems right under any circumstances to pass 3NT.
Posted 2013-March-05, 16:12
Posted 2013-March-05, 16:54
Posted 2013-March-05, 16:54
This hand resembles all too closely what i said i had
during the bidding lets leave the judgement p to partner.
Posted 2013-March-05, 17:58
However, I pull.
I have several reasons.
1. Slam is remote...surely he wouldn't have bid 3N with, to use a simple example, xx Axx Kxxxx Kxx, but even if I am correct in that, slam isn't impossible.
2. I don't see this as bidding the same values twice. I have far more controls than one usually has with a minimum 1♣ opener and my diamond J might be important (it might also be irrelevant, of course).
3. My view is that while one can construct hands on which 3N is better, there will be more hands on which 5♦ is safer: I am thinking of Hxxxx diamonds with a single stopper. While I am not saying partner can't hold Andy's example, I think the opps rate to have a better heart suit that a 5-3 missing the KQ. We're usually going to be ok in either game with no diamond loser (I mean, in Andy's hand, we'd consider ourselves pretty unlucky if they led the 'right' black suit and were able to beat us in diamonds).
Add to this the remote chance that we can reach a slam, and I pull.
xx A10x Kxxxx J10x is an example of a minimum hand for partner on which I'd like to be in slam, especially on a heart lead, tho it isn't terrible on any lead, even a spade. We might not get there opposite that, but there are surely hands consistent with the auction on which slam is both good and still reachable, without him having made a bad call with 3N.
Posted 2013-March-05, 18:06
Posted 2013-March-06, 02:55
Partner decided 3NT is the best spot based on his knowledge of our hand and the obvious knowledge of his own hand. We only know our own hand and have very limited information about partner's hand. Partner knows more than we do, so I don't feel the need to overrule his decision with fewer information. I would pass.
Posted 2013-March-06, 03:13
mikeh, on 2013-March-05, 17:58, said:
I don't think he can have that when he bids 3NT: he has a single heart-stopper, decent controls, and some club honours that could be really useful. He knows that club honours are more likely to be valuable than spade honours, because I'll often be 3145 but presumably I can't be 5143.
Posted 2013-March-06, 03:44
I really don't think partner should have one heart stop equal to the ace for 3NT opposite a known singleton heart. I feel nervous about it, but I think I pass 3NT. How about Qx K10x KQxxx xxx opposite?
Posted 2013-March-06, 04:00
FrancesHinden, on 2013-March-06, 03:44, said:
How would you find a spade fit when you have one? Or wouldn't you want to?
Posted 2013-March-06, 05:28
It is a tough decision between Pass and 4♣. I would not criticize either decision.
I would bid 4♣ because it is not very likely that 3NT is our last making game and if partner has something like
6♣ will make when 3NT does.
Rainer Herrmann
Posted 2013-March-06, 06:08
Posted 2013-March-06, 06:28
gnasher, on 2013-March-06, 06:08, said:
I am not playing partner for specifically ♣JTx, but magic would be the ♣K.
I disagree that this hand is minimum or unsuitable for going on. This hand has been improved by the bidding.
If slam is not on 5♦ will often be as good a contract and sometimes better than 3NT.
Partner has practically no choice but bid 3NT here with a heart stop missing all these first round controls.
Rainer Herrmann
Posted 2013-March-06, 06:58
Interested to see several people arguing in favor of bidding. I notice that all of the constructions so far give partner only 3 hearts, while the opponents bid to only 2H after our 1C opener. Are we white against red? Surely 4 hearts is more likely than 3?
Playing partner to hold Axx of hearts strikes me as an insult.
- hrothgar
Posted 2013-March-06, 07:23
Or would partner expect good controls to make
some other bid/continuation?
Is that the jist of your question?
Control heavy shown by 3H instead of 3D?
Then my hand is well-described.
If not good controls in 3H, do I owe a cotinuation?
He's looking at HK10x,KJx not HA10x isn't he?
With a GF of quacks?
Quits when 3H already showed good controls.