Posted 2013-February-21, 04:31
From the bidding and play the most likely distribution is that East has 2=0=6=5 and West 5=3=2=3
Anyway if West has only 2 clubs you are not going to make this contract.
Play ♠A, spade ruff with the ♥T (key play) and play a club from the table. Assume West wins, what can he do?
If West returns a trump you can win in hand and ruff your last spade, thanks to your careful spade ruff with the heart ten.
Otherwise the defense comes out on top by returning a low heart for lack of quick entries to hand.
If the defense continues with clubs discard your diamond on the third club to avoid a promotion in clubs.
If West switches to diamond cover as cheaply as possible.
Assuming East has the ♦A and at least one of the lower honors, I see no successful counter for the defense.
Rainer Herrmann