which 4NT convention?
Posted 2013-February-05, 16:49
My partner and I have been playing 1430 RKCB for some time.
He recently suggested we go to 3014 and I would like to
go back to straight Blackwood to simplify things.
I'm sure there will be a lot of opinions here as to
which is best but is there a way to calculate what
bid would be the most useful over many, many hands?
Posted 2013-February-05, 17:38
As for the 3014 vs 1430 debate, it's personal preference really, 1430 has the theoretical advantage that a 1 key card response is more common than a 0 key card response allowing you to bid 5D as a queen ask when hearts are trumps more often. 3014 is a little more intuitive responses wise (for me anyway).
Posted 2013-February-05, 17:48
Posted 2013-February-06, 09:24
Posted 2013-February-06, 10:30
Posted 2013-February-06, 10:36
Posted 2013-February-06, 10:38
or when a minor is agreed.
In certain situation you will be forced to get the information via Cue Bidding instead of
keycard asking, but it works.
Having the option to ask for the King of trumps, and the Queen of trumps is important,
the specific schema in use is not.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2013-February-06, 10:50
P_Marlowe, on 2013-February-06, 10:38, said:
the specific schema in use is not.
Indeed. Bridge magazines occasionally poll champion players on the most important conventions, or ask them about it in interviews, and RKCB is frequently cited for precisely this reason (despite the fact that they also report that Blackwood is one of the most overused conventions by average players).
Posted 2013-February-07, 05:00
Posted 2013-February-07, 08:30
If you and your partner can't agree, offer to swap it for something.
Posted 2013-February-07, 09:18
barmar, on 2013-February-06, 10:30, said:
Funny. I believe that Kantar recommends exactly the opposite. The default is 1430, but in those rare instances where the weak hand bids RKCB 4NT, the responses are 0314.
Posted 2013-February-07, 09:48
ArtK78, on 2013-February-07, 09:18, said:
That's quite possible. I knew he recommended one or the other, but didn't feel like looking up the details, and just tried to figure it out from intuition. Had a 50% chance of guessing right, that's good enough to bid a vul slam.
Posted 2013-February-08, 12:34
Posted 2013-February-08, 12:37
Posted 2013-February-09, 05:08
TylerE, on 2013-February-08, 12:37, said:
As you want to simplify things, you can take advantage of the fact that kickback gives you the same amount of room for responses whatever the suit, and have simple 1,2,3,0 steps in reply for the number of aces. The compression (and confusion) of 3014 or 1430 are not needed...
Posted 2013-February-09, 07:08
Posted 2013-February-09, 14:22
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2013-February-10, 02:59
Posted 2013-February-10, 05:07
Fluffy, on 2013-February-10, 02:59, said:
I take the point, but "knowledge" of what aces and kings partner has sure beats "judgement" of them. You need judgement (and agreed methods) to decide when a slam might be a good idea, but then knowledge takes over.
Posted 2013-February-10, 06:03
Arguably, simpler is better. Whatever else you choose, freeze your decision, for as long as possible, to avoid confusion. .IMO kickback is not that difficult provided that you agree a bid is kickback if it can possibly be kickback.. Also, agree 03/14 or 14/30 once and for all. Consider using an end-signal to disambiguate complex auctions -- it may seem sophisticated but it can actually make things simpler and clearer..