looking for expert consensous major straigh flush versus minimum straigh flush
Posted 2013-February-03, 18:16
nobody vul, RHO deals and opens 1♥, std 5 card major. This hand in question was MPs, but you can think it is IMPs if you want.
Posted 2013-February-03, 18:27
Posted 2013-February-03, 23:59
East4Evil ♥ sohcahtoa 4ever!!!!!1
Posted 2013-February-04, 00:49
Posted 2013-February-04, 04:31
Posted 2013-February-04, 06:32
PhilKing, on 2013-February-04, 06:04, said:
But what if one of the opponents comes up with a Fredin double?

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!), but “That’s funny…” – Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2013-February-04, 06:41
and asking "Does 1H REALLY show hearts?" "How many can he have?"
Or even non-weasel taken aback showing "I have hearts" = the same thing?
Posted 2013-February-05, 05:12
I found it outrageus that I couldn't ever bid my KQJ109876 suit being on second position, becuase the only ever meaning I have ever though about 1♥-4♥ is more or less what Zel said.
Specially because my partner on a 30 board set should had a total of five times 8 card suits. (just that in the 4 boards of the set we missed 3 of them were lost).
One of them makes me sick and makes a strong argument against human intelligence.
Partner opens 1♠ and you have:
look at the table records of board 5 and cry:
yes, 6♠ is above average

Posted 2013-February-05, 06:04
Posted 2013-February-05, 06:15
BTW: Castellsague are Bocchi's wife and father in law, so they might have learned some beatuful tricks

And about the 2 void exclusion blackwood... well you don't need modern conventions, grand slam force dates from previous century and I think not preciselly the end of it.
Posted 2013-February-05, 07:04
Fluffy, on 2013-February-05, 06:15, said:
GSF dates from Culbertson, so sometime in the 1930s. It would be something of a possibility if partner makes a finger (or foot tapping) signal that they have the ♦K.
Posted 2013-February-05, 07:27
EDITED: 1.66 a priori
Posted 2013-February-05, 07:35
Fluffy, on 2013-February-05, 07:27, said:
Well there is a difference between favourite and assured. If you could find out that partner had precisely ♦xx without an honour, would you still want to be in 7♠? Obviously it depends what methods we have available and how high they bid. Is that your recommended auction (1♠ - (3♥) - 5NT - (P); 7♠)?
Posted 2013-February-05, 08:11
7 is not foolproof, but you shouldn't worry about info you cannot access.
Not so long ago, I had a similar scenario, I opened 2♣, and got a 2♠ positive response from partner, I found no other bid than 7♠ remotelly appealing. I was playing with an intermediate with very few agreeements, maybe with a serious partner I would move around (probably not) I don't remember if I had ♦AKQxx or ♦AKJxxx but the hand looked like:
Only 2/10 tables found the grand slam, and some players them came to me to seek advice about how to bid it... well... just bid it!
Adding more:
In 2008 Bejing I missed a silly grand, I had the following hand:
The bidding went:
1♠-(2♦)-double (damned NFB)-(5♦)
6♥- all pass
I tanked forever to think that my ♦A was useless (it was) and my ♣Q was useless (it was) and my singleton spade was of no use (it was), but it never mattered, partner had 6 solid-6 KJ, stiff club ace. Or somethng like that, I made all the right asumptions to reach the wrong conclusion, including going to grand at IMPs needing to be foolproof.
Posted 2013-February-05, 09:01
I once bid 4H with a similar hand, partner did not get, after the tournament, I was
able ??? to convince him, that absent agreement, 4H had to be natural.
But I may have just talked him to death, and he may wanted have it get passed by.
For that matter, I got a similar situation wrong, as partner tried a similar ploy, but
I had the chance of passing the buck to him back.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)