Zelandakh, on 2013-January-30, 09:46, said:
Weak NT is very uncommon at the club we tend to play this system. We haven't discussed balancing by a pass opener after they open 1NT, but if we play our general agreements (the weak hand can not act, the strong hand must act) and our normal weak NT defense (basic Landy) it would go something like this:
P - (1NT*) - P - (2H**); (1NT 12-14, assuming they play transfers.)
Dbl - (P*) - P - (2S); Dbl shows hearts, I guess we really should have five, but what to do? I guess their pass would show only two spades?
P - (P) - 3H - all pass
If they play 2M as natural, it becomes even more awkward:
P - (1NT) - P - 2S;
Dbl - (P) - 3H - all pass (perhaps it would make sense to play Lebensohl here, but we do not have any agreements on that)