Matchpoints. The opponents are a pick-up partnership in a side game at the local sectional; East visibly grimaces when West passes 2NT. West, however, is a reasonable player; did he have a brain freeze, or is he crazy like a fox? What is your opening lead?
The Unusual Suspects
Posted 2013-January-28, 07:01
Matchpoints. The opponents are a pick-up partnership in a side game at the local sectional; East visibly grimaces when West passes 2NT. West, however, is a reasonable player; did he have a brain freeze, or is he crazy like a fox? What is your opening lead?
Dianne, I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies... --Agent Dale Cooper
Posted 2013-January-28, 09:21
Posted 2013-January-28, 09:32
Posted 2013-January-29, 05:32
Posted 2013-January-29, 14:29
Dianne, I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies... --Agent Dale Cooper
Posted 2013-January-29, 17:39
The grimace clearly shows that it was intended as Unusual 2NT. Partner supported spades.
Either LHO did not take it as Unusual, or he has absurdly short minors.
If he did not interpret it as Unusual, then he must be assuming his partner has a spade stop.
I expect few will agree, but here, I am leading the ♠A. That gives me a look at dummy,
and I get some help from partner. I do not expect to be finessing partner with this play, since
RHO is short in spades - worst case 3=0 is highly unlikely. Other distributions favor, my second,
lead to be finessing W. I get to tell partner how to get back to me, after he runs spades.
Posted 2013-January-29, 18:26
FM75, on 2013-January-29, 17:39, said:
RHO is short in spades...
No kidding
FM75, on 2013-January-29, 17:39, said:
Huh? How many ♠'s do you think your partner has?
FM75, on 2013-January-29, 17:39, said:
Huh? All two of them that remain?
Posted 2013-January-29, 19:15
West is loaded.
Maybe, as Fluffy suggested, partner has ♠QTx.
♥'s scare me. (I am assuming West has those as well)
My guess is West has a 1NT strength hand but that it is somehow flawed for that overcall and he passed 1♠ awaiting developments? Maybe 5=4=2=2
I hate any other lead for the reasons mentioned by others above.
Posted 2013-January-29, 19:24
Leading, of all things, fourth highest of our longest suit, rates to be pretty safe and constructive. Yes, declarer could have a stiff honour, but so what? Leading the ace is still not going to help much when partner holds three, and could be catastrophic.
Posted 2013-January-30, 01:40
daveharty, on 2013-January-29, 14:29, said:
And what are their meta-agreements for bids with no agerement? I do not believe that this explanation meets the criteria for full disclosure.
FM75, on 2013-January-29, 17:39, said:
If he did not interpret it as Unusual, then he must be assuming his partner has a spade stop.
If he interpreted it as Unusual, or indeed as any 2 suits, then it requires an alert and an entry in the explanation imho (not what it is being taken as but the logic why). In EBUland this is explicit.
Posted 2013-January-30, 10:39
If RHO has hearts and a minor (very possible) a heart lead would be very bad.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2013-January-30, 11:28
In real life I know I would always lead the low spade. I suspect, however, that the heart K was the winning lead
It is easy to see how and why 'hearts are us': give dummy KQJ10x AJxx and 2=2 minors, probably with at least one honour.
Posted 2013-January-30, 15:43
Dianne, I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies... --Agent Dale Cooper
Posted 2013-January-31, 02:18
Edit: Dummy should presumably have corrected the explanation before the opening lead too if they had (non-GBK) reasons to believe that their 2NT bid would be understood. And if they did not then why did they make the call? Not that there was damage from that after the reaction but if we are playing serious bridge then they should at least pretend to be following the Laws.