Bread and butter
Posted 2013-January-18, 17:52
Posted 2013-January-18, 18:54
So, right or wrong, color me for 4♥ at this vulnerability (but P otherwise).
Posted 2013-January-18, 20:02
Posted 2013-January-18, 21:00
JLOGIC, on 2013-January-18, 20:02, said:
There goes all objectivity from my poll

Posted 2013-January-18, 22:01
CSGibson, on 2013-January-18, 21:00, said:

Not really. There are quite a few of us who don't jump on bandwagons. I am very surprised, though, at the caliber of the passers. It must be closer than I thought. I don't think it is the same as the thread where we had to go to 5-level.
Posted 2013-January-18, 22:29
Posted 2013-January-18, 22:46
JLOGIC, on 2013-January-18, 22:29, said:
I see josh and helene...and of course over 4S a pass is just as obvious to me. Maybe they did misread it.
Posted 2013-January-19, 05:55
Posted 2013-January-19, 07:52
I think most people would give much more consideration to passing here than in the original problem, even though the only difference scorewise is that 4C-X making scores less than 4H-X making. Of course, if you wish to argue that the definitions of the opening and/or the double are different and thus 4C-X is more likely to be making, I am willing to be convinced, but I don't think that is what is going through people's minds in these positions.
Posted 2013-January-19, 08:17
- billw55
Posted 2013-January-19, 10:36
Since that was part of the question that is what I based my pass on....against all others I would have bid 4♥
Posted 2013-January-19, 11:21
East4Evil ♥ sohcahtoa 4ever!!!!!1
Posted 2013-January-19, 11:38
lalldonn, on 2013-January-19, 08:17, said:
Yeah, I almost did the same thing lol. I think mentally we thought it had to be 4S.
I agree with this theory in general, however, I would not consider passing 4H X with QJT9 of spades and Jxx of hearts and I'm surprised anyone would. This is especially true at w/r, however I just wouldn't pass at any vulnerability, we have good spades and no trump trick*.
I remember an old BWS poll which was like with what shapes with 4 spades and a zero count would you pass 4H X (I think it was equal vul though). To me QJT9 is is a lot different than a zero count, we can afford to ruff stuff/whatever in dummy, so it is obviously excellent for offense and it still contributes little to defense.
*Yeah, I realize Jxx of trumps might be worth something but I'm not exactly banking on it.
Posted 2013-January-19, 12:38
Posted 2013-January-19, 16:43
Posted 2013-January-19, 18:17
There is big difference between four of a major and a minor!
Took four hours to come up with 1000 hands
4♣ makes 11 0/0
4♥ makes 32 0/0
So unless 4♣ showsAKQtenth doubles stands to gain just as much or more than bidding ♥
Posted 2013-January-19, 19:10
pigpenz, on 2013-January-19, 18:17, said:
There is big difference between four of a major and a minor!
Took four hours to come up with 1000 hands
4♣ makes 11 0/0
4♥ makes 32 0/0
So unless 4♣ showsAKQtenth doubles stands to gain just as much or more than bidding ♥
I was trying to run the same simulation

Note that decided to give West 14+ points and didn't put in too many shape restrictions because of the above reasons. A more reasonable approach might be to exclude modest hands with 6+ major.
Anyway, 4♣ rolled home pretty comfortably most of the times and occasionally was -1.
I might try to see if the original Dealer is faster than Redeal (Python):
from redeal import *
Top4 = defvector(2, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.5)
def accept(deal):
return (len(deal.south.clubs) == 8 and (deal.south.hcp < 11) and (Top4(deal.south.clubs) >= 4) and
deal.east.hcp <= 4 and balanced(deal.east) and deal.west.hcp >= 14)
def do(deal):
Posted 2013-January-19, 19:27
genrally the stronger the take out double is the more four clubs goes down. I guess it comes down to
what type of hand would someone bid four a minor on giving up on 3NT and not bidding five of a minor.
from just the hands i looked at your J♣ is usually gonna take a trick....about 60% time four clubs
is down two for plus 500.
I was using Dealmaster Pro for my simulation
Posted 2013-January-22, 06:40
JLOGIC, on 2013-January-18, 22:29, said:
There is never any confusion as to whether Lall or Donn voted in a poll with the lalldonn name, because it is so well-known that Lall always ignores the poll feature of this forum.

-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2013-January-22, 08:24