On the upside, there were plenty of interesting hands. Here's some I'd love to hear your thoughts on. Playing MPs, 4cM and weak NT throughout.
1) First round, partner picks up ♠Kx ♥Q8xxxx ♦xxx ♣Ax. Third in vul vs not, who's with him in opening a weak two?
2) Second in, all green this happened:
Lead is the King of hearts, then he crosses to his partner's Ace and they return a third heart, I ruffed in hand. How to tackle the spades?
3) Vs the best pair in the club, 1NT from partner (12-14), second in vul vs not. Double from RHO and I'm holding ♠9xx ♥9x ♦Axxx ♣K109x. Leave it in or run away?
4) Same pair, partner opened 1H on ♠J105 ♥KQ73 ♦Q85 ♣AK6 and RHO overcalls 1S, passed back to partner. Anyone with him in passing it out, or should he reopen (with a double)?
5) First in vul vs not, what do you open with ♠A ♥AJ75 ♦AK6 ♣AJ643? Your choices are 1C (nat 4+), 2C (planning to show either 22-23 BAL or a two-suiter with clubs and hearts), or 2NT (20-21 BAL).
6) What do you lead?
7) ATB:
This slam stood no chance, since hearts were J10xx offside and diamonds were Qxx offside, but even barring the bad breaks it looks shakier than a person scared of ghosts playing Pacman. Who got overexcited?
8) ATB:
1NT only just made after tiptop defence from North (winning the first club with the King, then underleading his remaining AJxx to score partner's ten, later coming to the HQ and the remaining clubs). 2H+1 on the other hand would be a joint top. Does East have a better bid or should West remove 1NT to 2D?
Hmm, I think that's enough hands. (Apologies for bunging them all in one thread, I prefer that to thread spam - it keeps the forums neater and it's easier to reply to everyone).
ps. When I tell you what actually happened, it'll be a rather embarassing 1000th post! Edit: hmm, it says I have 1000, but in my profile it says 999. I'm confused.
Edit 2: Someone fixed the hand viewers on IE! Excellent! :-)