Assume 2/1, in your opinion 3H should be?
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Negative X auction
Posted 2013-January-11, 00:43
I have not thought of it for a while, recently this auction comes up a lot.
Assume 2/1, in your opinion 3H should be?
Assume 2/1, in your opinion 3H should be?
Posted 2013-January-11, 01:55
To solve this problem Lebensohl / Good Bas was invented.
Without, make up your mind, but I would say better than dead min.
This gets also influenced by the min requirement you have for a neg. X.
With kind regards
Without, make up your mind, but I would say better than dead min.
This gets also influenced by the min requirement you have for a neg. X.
With kind regards
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2013-January-11, 02:00
Just about any minimum will do. You should play 2NT=good hand with hearts here. I will save gnasher the trouble of posting and mention that transfers are, of course, an improvement.
... and I can prove it with my usual, flawless logic.
George Carlin
George Carlin
Posted 2013-January-11, 04:23
Most hands that are short in spades are bidding here. I would go so far and suggest that hands that show that partner is short in spades are probably bidding here as well.
Posted 2013-January-30, 08:23
There are lots of choices here and you simply have to agree one. You can play 2NT as a good heart raise and 3♥ as a competitive raise as gwnn suggests. The reverse is also good and fits well if you play a direct heart overcall as stronger (than via 2NT/4NT in other 2♠/4♠ auctions. That also allows you to bundle some additional hand types into 2NT. Similarly transfers (3♦) as also mentioned. An additional, simpler method is to play 3♥ as a good raise and Double with the competitive raise, followed by bidding hearts next whatever partner does next. Or vice versa - direct 3♥ competitive, Double then 3♥ good. There are, of course, also disadvantages to this but it is still a decent agreement for intermediate pairs for whom Good/Bad (or a variant) is a step too far.
(-: Zel :-)
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