How to bid up to 6♠?
How to bid up to 6s?
Posted 2013-January-09, 23:28
Autosplinter is a good start. Now Sth knows the J of S and the C cards are golden. 5C after this to show the C cards and 6S.
Posted 2013-January-10, 01:15
the hog, on 2013-January-09, 23:28, said:
Autosplinter is a good start. Now Sth knows the J of S and the C cards are golden. 5C after this to show the C cards and 6S.
Nice if one plays adjective bridge. Dangerous otherwise: you'll need to buy a lot of hearts in dummy to make 4♥ better than 4♠
Personally, I don't think I can ever get there. It's just too magic.
No system can diagnose every perfect fit and you'll drive yourself nuts if you don't just accept that some hands simply fall in the gaps of your methods. If this happens a lot, then look at your methods, but this particular sort of perfecto is just one of those things. If it bothers you a lot, switch to a big club method...if S can make an immediate positive in clubs, opener gets excited.
Posted 2013-January-10, 02:03
I play 4H as a self-splinter, and I agree this should get you to slam.
Posted 2013-January-10, 02:31
Posted 2013-January-10, 03:15
Edit: Of course I forgot, old fashioned acol would open a strong 2♠ after which I'd have no issues reaching 6♣ but could reach 6♠ also.
Posted 2013-January-10, 04:25
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2013-January-10, 07:35
That said, yes, perhaps a strong club system will work better.
Posted 2013-January-10, 07:55
the hog, on 2013-January-09, 23:28, said:
Autosplinter is a good start. Now Sth knows the J of S and the C cards are golden. 5C after this to show
... Jx Axxxx QJxxxx void?
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2013-January-10, 09:07
1. An auto-splinter is not all that tricky. All you need is a general understanding that a bid in a suit one level higher than the level needed to make a 100% forcing bid is a splinter, and tada!
2. This hand is right for that call.
3. Responder should know what to do.
4. There is nothing all that perfecto about this situation.
I would disagree with those who cannot stop themselves from advocating strong clubs and relays. For one thing, this is ridiculously wrong. Ease might be a subjective term, but compare:
1♠(I have spades)-1NT(I don't)
4♥(How about that!?!?)-6♠(duh...OK)
or perhaps Responder asks questions or something.
...with any number of auctions startng artificially, perhaps by both partners, perhaps with cross-fire from the enemy muddling things.
I mean, when the problem hand to describe features a solid one-suiter in a major, a stiff in the other major, and control of the two other suits, you have the best case scenario for a natural system. A strong club system typically can be advertised when you have 5-4-3-1 shape with a stiff King and need to find the 4-3 fit in your 3-card suit for the grand slam.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2013-January-10, 09:18
- billw55
Posted 2013-January-10, 09:30
lalldonn, on 2013-January-10, 09:18, said:
I know a number of very good players (admittedly a lot older than you) who would take 4♥ as natural. Your view may well be more 'current' and may be of more use (tho I have never held a hand on which I'd want to auto-splinter 4♥)but that doesn't make it universal, and my point was that absent an agreement or discussion, it isn't safe to assume it is an auto-splinter.
When making an undiscussed call that could be natural one takes a risk if playing it as artificial. Given that slam isn't likely opposite a 1N response, that's a big risk one takes.
Posted 2013-January-10, 09:33
lycier, on 2013-January-09, 22:21, said:
How to bid up to 6♠?
1S - 1NTF
3C! ( GF, may be artificial: long ♠ or real ♣ suit )
...... - 3D! ( next step asks )
3S ( long ♠; whereas any other bid shows real ♣ suit )
...... - 4C ( advance cue for ♠ )
And the rest below is resulting:
5C ( ♣- cue ; at least ♠A and K to go past 4NT; still room for Red cues )
...... - 6C
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2013-January-10, 09:51
- billw55
Posted 2013-January-10, 17:57
mikeh, on 2013-January-10, 09:30, said:
When making an undiscussed call that could be natural one takes a risk if playing it as artificial. Given that slam isn't likely opposite a 1N response, that's a big risk one takes.
Where in the op does it say that he was not playing autosplinters? I must have missed that.
Posted 2013-January-30, 08:54
Cyberyeti, on 2013-January-10, 03:15, said:
Am interested how your Acol 2 auction would go. Presumably it starts 2♠ - 3♣; 3♠?