Sometimes you don't need to draw any trumps...
Posted 2013-January-06, 16:03
V/V, MPs
West is dealer...we are N/S
I talked with her after the hand that I was debating bidding 4♥, but avoided doing so to avoid any confusion. I felt that a good way to bid the hand would have been...
East was being very kind during the hand...they had many chances to preempt us. However, based on the way they were bidding I didn't expect any sudden actions. Does my suggested auction seem good? My thoughts were that 4H would be a serious splinter since partner's strength is unknown. However, I was also debating 3H, but found this to be more of a simple forcing bid. After my 4H bid, partner can cue their spade void(single for now). I told her that 5C from me would show control in clubs with most likely a void in H since I avoided asking for keys. At this point she could show me her spade void followed by my 2nd round club control. At this point 7D is 100% obvious. Of course, thinking back on the hand after I felt I could have just gone to 7 myself, but I was indeed shocked to see her bid slam.
Junior - Always looking for new partners to improve my play with..I have my fair share of brilliancy and blunders.
"Did your mother really marry a Mr Head and name her son Richard?" - jillybean
Posted 2013-January-06, 16:09
Posted 2013-January-06, 16:17
we can anticipate that partner most likelly does not have a classic take out double, but this means he has 20 balanced (wow!) or a gosh in a rounded suit (not that bad). But anyway, bidding 2♦ is unbelievable, and I don't think 3♦ is right either, I won't cuebid as this will introduce diamonds too late, so 5♦ is my choice, 4♦ sounds interesting as well althou I have no clue what it shows.
I would neve bid double with north's hand, that is also bizarre to me. I would bid 2♦ wich would make south blink his eyes
Posted 2013-January-06, 16:22
Junior - Always looking for new partners to improve my play with..I have my fair share of brilliancy and blunders.
"Did your mother really marry a Mr Head and name her son Richard?" - jillybean
Posted 2013-January-06, 16:30
RunemPard, on 2013-January-06, 16:22, said:
It's not that you lack playing strength, it's more that the auction is too likely to spin out of control. Your partner's first bid of the auction might have been 4♥, how would you feel about that?
And BTW, please try to use the hand editor tool, it is surely not more effort than what you put into posting this hand and yet so much easier to read.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2013-January-06, 16:32
mgoetze, on 2013-January-06, 16:30, said:
And BTW, please try to use the hand editor tool, it is surely not more effort than what you put into posting this hand and yet so much easier to read.
Yes true as well about the 4H bid. I use the hand editor sometimes, just not tonight.
Junior - Always looking for new partners to improve my play with..I have my fair share of brilliancy and blunders.
"Did your mother really marry a Mr Head and name her son Richard?" - jillybean
Posted 2013-January-06, 19:11
Bidding only 2 or 3♦ with your partner's hand is just terrible.
If partner did make a takeout double and I held that hand I would jump to 5 or 6♦, but 5 is the absolute minimum. This is probably somewhat offshape but that means that you have a huge hand and I don't need too much in trumps anyway. You'd now have an easy raise to 7. That would get you there, but don't pat yourself on the back for your double when it goes this way: remember partner is jumping in hearts way more often.
Posted 2013-January-06, 21:39
North doesn't look like a TO Double candidate - too much in ♠, not enough in ♥.
After North's overcall, South has a great hands but needs to know about the rounded suits.
Control bidding gets the right information to bid the grand.
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2013-January-06, 22:57
SteveMoe, on 2013-January-06, 21:39, said:
North doesn't look like a TO Double candidate - too much in ♠, not enough in ♥.
After North's overcall, South has a great hands but needs to know about the rounded suits.
Control bidding gets the right information to bid the grand.
I like this auction, though I wonder how it goes if Opener passes 2♠ instead of bidding 3♥.
Posted 2013-January-06, 23:05
bigbenvic, on 2013-January-06, 22:57, said:
I think N still bids 4♥....
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2013-January-06, 23:30
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.