fromageGB, on 2013-January-07, 05:08, said:
Sorry, I misread the question. Over a multi2C (as I now read it) I play as glen suggested :
- X = balanced opening hand
- 2♦ = 3 suited opening hand short in diamonds (well, implying 44xx in majors), a takeout of 2♦
- 2♥ and upwards = natural or what they normally mean.
We had discussed what the defence should be when we played the multi2C before the EBU decided they didn't like it, but it never came up. It needs to be simple and as systemically normal as possible, because of the infrequency. As we play a bid of the opponents' transfer suit as a takeout of that suit { eg (1NT) p (2
♦=hearts) 2
♥ }, this approach seemed obvious.
A lot of people do this, but it is technically inferior to just doubling 2
♣ with a take-out double for a whole bunch of reasons:
1. You lose the option of extracting a penalty.
2. You commit yourself to the auction when you have a take out double. They have given you a virtually free way of entering the auction - use it!
3. You lose the option of partner cue bidding their suit in response to a double of 2
♣ when the next hand passes.
4. You lose the option of partner doubling when the next hand bids 2
5.You lose the option of partner having a free bid (rather than a forced bid) when the next hand bids 2
♦. In your method over your 2
♦, partner's 2M is 0-8. If you double with the take-out double, partner's 2M over 2
♦ shows about 6-9.
Doubling 2
♣ with your take-out doubles is intrinsically cheaper and safer. You can set a low threshold for the double (next hand almost invariably bids some diamonds) and partner is not forced to bid. With a genuine hand you can double or bid again.
Pass and double should be for penalties - not a weak take out, which are not safe hands to act on the second round. A cue bid should show the majors with a split range.
In this sequence, all I lose is the balanced 13-15 with the wrong shape to double (eg 4234). With that I pass and balance with 2NT, which is surprisingly effective.
This defence applies to all transfer openings with one weak or one-suited option with a few minor modifications - passing and doubling Namyats, for instance shows a strong balanced hand, since penalties is hardly likely. But being able to double 4
♣ on a 4144 11 count is like printing free imps.