2 minute Spamming ban? Just for Advertising for TM?
Posted 2013-January-29, 11:15
What gives?
thanks in advance..
Posted 2013-January-29, 11:30
I sometimes ask (by general chat in a Public Club) for volunteers to join a Teams Match, and have to repeat myself to get the required eight players.
How near am I to being dumped for "spamming"

Posted 2013-January-29, 13:43
microcap, on 2013-January-29, 11:15, said:
What gives?
thanks in advance..
At least you were not required to sit in the corner for 2 minutes.

Posted 2013-January-29, 13:50
Posted 2013-January-29, 14:12

Phew. I feel safe.
My reminders are several minutes apart - there are lots of messages in between and I rarely ask more than twice (plus the original request).
Posted 2013-January-29, 17:47

ROFL - That is sooo old school.
Do you realize you for half the BBO world - there is no "Lobby"?
Maybe you should be asking for a better way to promote tournaments.
I bet BBO would give it to you - if only to get you off the old software.

Posted 2013-January-29, 18:21
FM75, on 2013-January-29, 17:47, said:

ROFL - That is sooo old school.
Do you realize you for half the BBO world - there is no "Lobby"?
Maybe you should be asking for a better way to promote tournaments.
I bet BBO would give it to you - if only to get you off the old software.

It is my impression that organizing and starting team matches is much harder with the client software, which is why I stick with the old one. I seldom have trouble finding 8 players, today was unusual....
Posted 2013-January-29, 18:43
microcap, on 2013-January-29, 18:21, said:
There are some excellent new features related to starting team matches that are coming soon in the web-client. I strongly suggest you give it another try after the new version is released. This aspect of the web-client (among many others) will be far superior to that which exists in the Windows client.
Keep an eye on the BBO news. An announcement will appear (likely within a week or so) when the new version of the web-client is made available.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2013-January-30, 06:16
fred, on 2013-January-29, 18:43, said:
Keep an eye on the BBO news. An announcement will appear (likely within a week or so) when the new version of the web-client is made available.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Ty Fred, I will look out for it. And thanks as always for BBO which brings such great joy to the bridge community!!