I love these hands! I open 2♣ and jump to 4♥ over any response from partner.
With stronger hands, I will make the normal 2♥ rebid and with weaker hands preempt 2,3 or 4♥'s.
After 2♣ 4M partner knows I have this type of hand, I'm going to make 4M opposite very little or nothing.
It doesn't shut partner out but suggests this is the maximum unless partner has some 1st round
controls in other suits.
I have had some players object to me "preempting" with a 2♣ bid. This is obviously not a preempt
but I have made the same bid with weaker hands. Is it correct that if a player believes their
hand to be "strong", then it is acceptable to open 2♣?
2♣ openings are marked as "22+ or 8.5 playing tricks" on our CC's, if asked do we need to spell this out?