Link to this BBO Movie: NT Defensive tips
General Type: Defensive play with two tips, double dummy
Voice Track: Yes/mixed (sometime off)
Quizes: Yes
Time to complete: less than 5 minutes
It is double dummy, and would be easy for any advanced player to solve single dummy, this is clearly meant for beginners. I think most people, seeing the double dummy would solve it very quickly and not need to see the remainder of the movie to know what the two tips are.
I have to comment that the presentation style could use some improvement. First, double dummy was probably a mistake. Second, the play of so many tricks all on the same movie frame is a ackward and will be impossible for the target audience to follow. Third, the text, in places, was too long on one frame. And saying ♠ for spade and Ace♠ for ♠A or Spade Ace was too. Still the lesson on reading declarer's intention (or counting tricks) is a good one for the targeted pool of players.
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NT Defensive tips by Rajan lyer
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