Undiciplined 1NT openings. do you ever open 1NT wih 2-5-2-4 shape?
Posted 2004-December-07, 15:49
I have never done this, but I can see reasons to open this way, either mandatory, or with some suitable hands. I would think that this might only be a good idea when playing a strong 1NT opening. Any thoughts?
- hrothgar
Posted 2004-December-07, 15:59
Posted 2004-December-07, 16:13
Regarding the "anti field" comment made by Mike above, in a strong field I would expect many to open this 1N. Anyway what is wrong with making an anti field bid anywayif you are right?
Playing a weak NT you should strive to open 1N as often as possible, after all that is the reason you are playing a wnt.
Posted 2004-December-07, 16:16
Posted 2004-December-07, 16:37
But there's always exceptions to the rule. Ron's hand has 2/3rd of the points stuffed into the doubletons makes sense.
Posted 2004-December-07, 16:50
Posted 2004-December-07, 18:26
Rgds Dog..
Posted 2004-December-08, 01:18
very lucky to play in a country where a pickup partner is
100% likely not to open one (the last guy to do so went
on the guillotine). Hence...
To say the truth, I recently had two partners (one a travelling
American whom I met thru BBO, another was a Dutch guy)
who did open an abominable 1NT facing me (with a
5card major) and in both cases we were rewarded by a
fat zero. So, Kaplan's advice still holds true, I guess.
Posted 2004-December-08, 03:04
Posted 2004-December-08, 04:51
nikos59, on Dec 8 2004, 09:18 AM, said:
American whom I met thru BBO, another was a Dutch guy)
who did open an abominable 1NT facing me (with a
5card major) and in both cases we were rewarded by a
fat zero. So, Kaplan's advice still holds true, I guess.
do you remember the two hands?
Posted 2004-December-08, 06:42
I like to open 1NT with 5♥332, for example:
I don't like my options if partner responds 1♠ to my 1♥. Opening 1NT also complicates the auction for opponents holding spades.
As it does not seem to make a lot of difference, in MP it might be best to go with the field and take your medicine if partner responds 1♠.
With 5♠332 I open 1♠ as the advantages listed above are gone.
An interesting example came up yesterday. Playing 10-13 NT I got a hand that was too weak for a 1-bid, except 1NT
Just in case you are wondering, we play that a 2NT response to Stayman shows 5♥.
Posted 2004-December-08, 06:46
However, in a pickup partnership I'm certain I'd open 1NT with 5422's if the hand is right for it. The hand Ron suggests is indeed a 1NT opener. Hands in 3rd seat without ♠s are also better opened 1NT imo (even 1-4-4-4), and especially with weak NT! The preemptive effect on this is just great
Posted 2004-December-08, 06:50
Posted 2004-December-08, 08:47
hand poses a problem for the French system but a 2C rebid
almost always works fine.
To luke: I dont remember the hands exactly but in the
first case I bid 3NT immediately with a 2-3-4-4 hand
and 10 points. 3NT made on the nose, with the field
scoring easy 420-450s.
In the second case, I passed, holding 6 points
and 4-2-4-3. Pard had five spades and all the
field scored 170s and 140s while we only
scored 120.
Posted 2004-December-08, 11:12
A similar rule might apply to weak notrumps, although then the concern is a responding hand that would limit-raise a major-suit opening bid, but pass over a weak-notrump opening bid. Because a weak-notrump type would generally pass after opening 1M and getting a limit raise, this isn't such a serious problem.
All of this assumes IMPs, not matchpoints. As indicated in some of the above posts, 140 vs. 120 (and the like) is a far greater problem at matchpoints.
Posted 2004-December-08, 11:55
The real danger hand is when you have 4 of a major and not enough for a game try; or choose that passing 1N is a nice MP spot.
Posted 2004-December-08, 12:04
1♥ 1♠ 1NT was wide-range
1M 2mi 2NT was weak.
Latter treatment is fairly non-standard but works well. 1M 2mi 3NT is used for 15-16 hands and bigger hands can find a stronger bid by bidding a 3-card suit if necessary.
The problem of opening 1NT is that it can be hard to compete later if the opps intervene because it is not so easy to find a fit when you have not yet shown a suit. Opening 1NT as often as possible is great when the opps don't come in over it. Especially non-vulnerable as the old rule of "you can't score badly in 1NT undoubled non-vulnerable" applies. (If you go as many as 3 off the opps probably have game, 2 off and they probably have a part-score that beats the +100 they score. I am, of course, assuming that our own side doesn't have a game somewhere!).
This was a long time ago, and was mainly matchpoints.
#18 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2004-December-08, 18:38
Posted 2004-December-08, 19:45
Posted 2004-December-08, 19:51
The question was should 5224 with a 5 card major and 4 card minor be opened all the time or almost always with 1nt...not 5332 hands or hands with just hcp in short suits.