After a trap pass
Posted 2012-December-01, 14:54
Posted 2012-December-01, 15:59
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2012-December-01, 16:19
Posted 2012-December-01, 16:47
If partner has perfect cards you may be able to make 3NT. I wouldn't give it good odds, though.
Posted 2012-December-01, 16:58
barmar, on 2012-December-01, 16:47, said:
If partner has perfect cards you may be able to make 3NT. I wouldn't give it good odds, though.
I intended this to be a question about expert bidding methods, not a "you hold" problem. Most of the people I've asked use a delayed cue bid to show opener's suit but none have any specific agreements about length, strength, or continuations.
Posted 2012-December-02, 12:12
Balrog49, on 2012-December-01, 16:58, said:
A delayed 2-level cuebid is like you normally make a 2-level overcall. A jump shows a stronger hand. It doesn't get more specific than that I guess.
Posted 2012-December-03, 02:02
Posted 2012-December-03, 05:14
Certainly standard here is immediate = Michaels, delayed = natural, but if the club could be short, as I guess is the case, my preference is for an immediate X to say "I would have opened that". We then play system on, ie transfer walsh, so that copes well in finding major fits when it also acts like a normal takeout double. In this case, my rebid is 2♣ to deny a potential major fit (if partner showed one) and to show 6 clubs. Seems right to me.
Posted 2012-December-03, 06:06
I would assume X to be for T/O, but somme say, you cant have a T/O anymore, hence
X is penalty, showing the trap pass.
Bidding their suit becomes natural.
For the actual hand, ... you can pass, they are red, you are on lead.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)