With East as dealer and vulnerability "both red"
Dealer opened the bidding: "One Diamond" she said.
South doubled for takeout, West bid One N.T.,
And North bid clubs at the level of three.
South panicked, for only two clubs did he hold;
He cuebid in diamonds, not feeling so bold.
With no stop in diamonds North called Three Hearts
And there it rested, but 'twas down from the start.
With no easy partscore and no making game
For minus two hundred, apportion the blame?
(1D = 4+)
An interesting hand was the last of the night.
Our heroes were red, their opponents were white.
Holding a pointy six-five and thirteen Milton Count
West opened One Diamond; (One Heart)-Double came round.
"A fit!" thought West. "My partner has spades!
This is the time for a splinter to be made!"
With points of his own East said "Can this be?"
And pulled from the box good ol' RKCB.
"Two keycards," quoth West, "and no Queen of Spades."
But East may not have been on the same page.
"But you splintered", East murmured. "Can your hand be so small?
You can't have just two keys - you must have them all!"
Our heroes discovered, much to their dismay,
Aces win tricks and those tricks went away.
And despite the trump King dropping under the Ace
It's your judgement that our heroes will now face!
(1D = 4+, X will normally have 4 spades but doesn't guarantee it)