4th seat, strong hearts obvious?
Posted 2012-November-13, 07:38
♠ x
♥ AKTxxxxx
♦ Ax
♣ Ax
Fourth seat after three passes, you choose ... ?
Does this belong in N/B forum?
Posted 2012-November-13, 08:27
The problem with opening 4H is if partner has a flat 10-count with three tricks (eg ♣KQJ10x) he will not bid 6, where he might if we start with 1H and go to 3NT or 4H next.
Posted 2012-November-13, 08:32
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2012-November-13, 09:47
wyman, on 2012-November-13, 08:32, said:
You noticed the vulnerability, right?
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-November-13, 10:06
Phil, on 2012-November-13, 09:47, said:
I did, and while I concede that this is be the worst vulnerability for this choice (in fact I almost commented to that effect), I *still* am not happy on the auction I gave. I guess it's obvious to rip it, but I'm not at all confident that we're not ringing up a -990 (or at least -790) here.
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2012-November-13, 12:57
If you play a 4th seat 2♥ as say 10-13 with 6 hearts, what is a 4th seat 3♥ ? I'd quite like to use it as this type of hand, but have never discussed it with any of my partners.
As an alternative, you could consider opening 3♣ in 4th seat with a hand you'd open 4♣ normally, and use 4♣ as this sort of hand.
Posted 2012-November-13, 12:59
- billw55
Posted 2012-November-13, 13:21
lalldonn, on 2012-November-13, 12:59, said:
Indeed he might. Let's imagine the auction goes:
p - p - p - 1♥
p - 1♠ - p - ?
Now I assume you rebid 4♥? - and that it shows a strong hand like this one. Whereas an opening 4♥ would be a more intermediate hand?
Posted 2012-November-13, 16:40
billw55, on 2012-November-13, 13:21, said:
p - p - p - 1♥
p - 1♠ - p - ?
Now I assume you rebid 4♥? - and that it shows a strong hand like this one. Whereas an opening 4♥ would be a more intermediate hand?
You could and that's a lot better than opening 4♥ but I think it's still too easy to miss slam. Usually rebidding 4♥ is taking more of a chance, not a really strong hand with hopes of slam. KQx of a minor and a doubleton heart is slam. I would rebid 3♣, sorry to offend so many of you, then bid hearts forever.
- billw55
Posted 2012-November-13, 17:42
Good suit. Check.
Great controls. Check.
Slam opposite very little. Check.
No sensible rebid after 1♥. Check.
Two Clubs!
Posted 2012-November-13, 20:42
2♣ also preempts their spades much better than 1♥ anyway.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-November-13, 23:29
Thiros, on 2012-November-13, 23:15, said:
You really think partner is doubling with xxx, void, Q10xxxx, QJxx where you could easily have 4 or 5 tricks in spades but only 8 or 9 in hearts ? and anyway, you have to bid 5♥ before you know whether partner is doubling in the 1♥-1♠-P-4♠ scenario.
Posted 2012-November-14, 02:37
Maybe partner will get a chance to bid higher than 2NT with 4 controls.

Junior - Always looking for new partners to improve my play with..I have my fair share of brilliancy and blunders.
"Did your mother really marry a Mr Head and name her son Richard?" - jillybean
Posted 2012-November-14, 03:33
My philosophy is holding game values going down rather than resting comfortably in part score with overtricks.
Posted 2012-November-14, 07:20
(I could JUST about live with 2H strong and forcing).
Posted 2012-November-14, 07:31
When I played this, I chose 4♥, passed out of course. My partner laid down what I consider an opening hand, I claimed 12 tricks, and partner booted me for preempting. I didn't think it was *that* bad.
Posted 2012-November-14, 07:49

And if you bid 4 ♥ in fourth seat, it is no preempt, it is describtive, so partner with his 3 tricks may well make a slam try....
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2012-November-14, 08:02
Codo, on 2012-November-14, 07:49, said:
I hope he doesn't!
George Carlin