mike777, on 2012-November-11, 06:43, said:
I dont accept that the stronger gf hands are common for responder. In practice I find them pretty rare/
No, it's not that stronger hands are common at all. That's irrelevant. It's how accurately that you bid when they do come up that matters. Maybe you don't notice the flaws of chewing up more space since you don't do it very often, besides that fact that a reasonably high percent of the time both methods will eventually stumble into the same contract, it doesn't end up mattering. Perhaps you bid 2s so often, not having a strong hand, that you don't notice that it would have worked fine/better doing so with stronger hands as well.
I think it is more importand the weaker hand give a fairly accurate description, I understand you dont.
You think so, but you aren't explaining *why* this this the case. Come up with an example auction. The thing is, in my view the weaker hand is *not* giving an accurate description in the 4th suit case, because the shape is rather unknown, as well as holding in the 4th suit, you only have negative inferences available. Not 3 clubs, not 4 hearts. So responder could be 5332, 5341, 5242, 5251, 5152, plus 6 cd spades if you have suit quality requirements, plus various hands with 4 spades if you are also restricting the strength of 2nt as Root/Pavlicek do. That hardly seems like a fairly accurate description! All for the gain of 10+ pts rather than 6+ points? Meanwhile, opener, having shown two suits, has a considerable head start in making a complete shape & strength description, especially when given maximum room in which to make the most descriptive call.
Not sure why you feel opener, the strong hand. is not describing his hand pretty well most of the time.
I suppose it depends how freely you like to reach 4nt rather than 3nt. If opener rebids 4c freely, or can raise 4th suit as a punt, then opener can describe reasonably accurately. You are using the 4 level bids to replace the space you gave up by bidding 3d instead of 2s. But to me, reaching 4nt routinely on 10 opposite 17, or lighter, if you like a lighter reverse, is inevitably going to lead to the horrific 4nt -1 on a # of hands. Plus, if responder needs to be able to bid 4nt to play, you make it harder for them to engineer a keycard ask when they really want to do that rather than play 4nt. And again, in exchange for gains when? Presumably when responder has the limited 2s call, both methods reach the same spot, because opener assumes responder weak and rebids accordingly. So you have to demonstrate hands where a strong responder reaches a superior contract using the 4sf auction, that is hard to reach just bidding a forcing 2s. You have failed to do so, you just have stated meaningless things like "I prefer responder limits their hand".
If opener tries to avoid bypassing 3nt, then your description gets less accurate.