Strategy question
Posted 2012-October-28, 04:33
You hear the opponents bid uncontested 1S-1N-2N-P
Dummy hits with a reasonable but borderline 2N bid.
You can see a defence to take it 2 off.
Would you consider just taking it 1 off?
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2012-October-28, 06:27
1eyedjack, on 2012-October-28, 04:33, said:
You hear the opponents bid uncontested 1S-1N-2N-P
Dummy hits with a reasonable but borderline 2N bid.
You can see a defence to take it 2 off.
Would you consider just taking it 1 off?
In my experience, these players tend to steam regardless of whether they go one or two off. Just set them for the maximum and you might well hear, "See, look how crap your 2NT bid was, I had a normal hand and we went two off!"
Posted 2012-October-28, 09:35
Posted 2012-October-28, 10:53
I will take the sure -1.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2012-October-28, 12:26

Posted 2012-October-28, 19:02
Known locally as "he who must be drilled".
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2012-October-28, 19:18
Posted 2012-October-28, 23:06
Posted 2012-October-28, 23:36
32519, on 2012-October-28, 23:06, said:
You have misunderstood the post. The op means, you have a way of taking it off 2 but it might make, or there is a definite 1 off. Which do you choose? I choose a definite 1 off.
Posted 2012-October-29, 00:11
the hog, on 2012-October-28, 23:36, said:
That is not what the OP said. The implication I read was that you could dog it and only beat the contract one, for strategic reasons (which I don't understand). OP did not mention a risk of their making.
In any case, if the strategy is to keep the guy cool, it is dumb. If the strategy is to irritate or tease him by less than perfect play, I still think it is a bad idea. Take the IMPS you can get, just in case you might need them.
Posted 2012-October-29, 01:10
Posted 2012-October-29, 01:59
Posted 2012-October-29, 02:05
Antrax, on 2012-October-29, 01:10, said:
Yes, on reflection I think you are right.
Posted 2012-October-29, 02:49
1eyedjack, on 2012-October-28, 04:33, said:
You hear the opponents bid uncontested 1S-1N-2N-P
Dummy hits with a reasonable but borderline 2N bid.
You can see a defence to take it 2 off.
Would you consider just taking it 1 off?
It depends on how volatile they are. Usually even the most volatile players are calm about partscore swings. They are usually triggered by (perceived) cardplay errors from their partners or missed games/slams (hence letting them make 5m+1 instead of 5m). So in practice I would never give them that trick. YMMV.
George Carlin
Posted 2012-October-29, 05:55