Amusemnt and agreement nt leads and returns
Posted 2012-October-26, 06:36
The amusement: I can't unblock, or at least i don't think so. I tried the 8, declarer started with Q9x and played the 9 to partner's Jack, and then his ace and another. The ten would have been no better, and might have been worse if partner played me instead of declarer for the 9,
Agreements: Consider the general situation. Defending 3NT. Partner leads a spot, dummy has a stiff, you rise and hold the trick, you started with four cards. Quite often it seems you do not want to return your original fourth best. but also quite often partner needs to know if you started with three or four. I guess in the example hand, a fourth best 7 would have produced the same result as my 8.
Any thoughts?
PS, Partner also had the spade ace so all's well that ends well for yesterday's venture. And the opponent's fit was in diamonds, for anyone wondering why they were not in a major suit game.
Posted 2012-October-26, 07:23
Posted 2012-October-26, 07:29
aguahombre, on 2012-October-26, 07:23, said:
Or we might consider renaming ours.

As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2012-October-26, 08:46
Posted 2012-October-26, 09:20
billw55, on 2012-October-26, 08:46, said:
More amusing than Mike Lawrence' Bridge Lesson on P43 of the September ACBL Bulletin?
The article was devoted to blockages and the one which struck me as interesting was:
I quote:
"Assume there are no outside entries to dummy. This suit is blocked, no matter what South does. If South needs five tricks, he is out of luck. If South can do with four tricks, he has to hope that clubs are 2-2 and let the defenders have an early trick."
Maybe someone could think of a possible flaw in that presentation

Posted 2012-October-26, 09:32
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-October-26, 11:58
Also, if declarer does have Q9 and does choose to pop queen, partner will need to lead low back to you to unblock to suit. If you return the 8, partner will think declarer has QT98 and will duck, keeping communication for you to get in and lead one through.
Posted 2012-October-26, 12:03
However, if LHO played the 7 under your king on the first round, you would just lead back the 6, since you can not unblock anyways with 986 once the 7 is played so you should give the correct count card.
KT86 you would need to unblock if LHO didnt play the 7, guarding against AJ7xx with partner. There is some case if you are playing against a good player who considers you a good player to leading back the 6 anyways assuming they will always go up queen since you would "never" block yourself by leading the 6 back with KT86, and in doing so you avoid creating a problem for partner, but personally I would always just unblock I'm sure. Notice why KT86 is different than KT87 though.
Posted 2012-October-26, 14:11
Yep, partner has to be aware of the position seems right. Among other things, I can keep it at hand for the post mortem.
Posted 2012-October-26, 16:05
Posted 2012-October-27, 15:13
aguahombre, on 2012-October-26, 07:23, said:
blackshoe, on 2012-October-26, 07:29, said:

Regardless of who uses the term 'GNOT', I think the Australians should definitely rename their Spring National Open Teams so it is no longer an acronym.
Posted 2012-October-27, 16:48
nigel_k, on 2012-October-27, 15:13, said:
That is what I was trying to say. At least someone gets it without the need for an emoticon.
Posted 2012-October-27, 23:31