You hold
You open 1H. Partner reponds 1S. Now what?
No you don't play Flannery, so 1S doesn't promise 5.
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A Hand From South America Championship
Posted 2003-June-09, 09:30
May choose the least of the evils:
Splinter 4Cl, and when partner returns to 4!Sp bid one more (maybe 5Di).
It's very tough hand because against
xxx we have laydown 6Sp
while against
we are in danger at level 5SP (while 5He is good)
Regards, Rado
May choose the least of the evils:
Splinter 4Cl, and when partner returns to 4!Sp bid one more (maybe 5Di).
It's very tough hand because against
xxx we have laydown 6Sp
while against
we are in danger at level 5SP (while 5He is good)
Regards, Rado
Posted 2003-June-09, 09:54
You hold
You open 1H. Partner reponds 1S. Now what?
No you don't play Flannery, so 1S doesn't promise 5.
You open 1H. Partner reponds 1S. Now what?
No you don't play Flannery, so 1S doesn't promise 5.
Gosh, this is virtually unsolvable. No bid is perfect, so I would make what clearly is the worse bid possible. I would jumpshift to 3D!! (showing diamonds!). I choose diamonds because if I bid 3C partner may find a non-helpful 3D bid. What I am angling for is to see if partner supports hearts now, or rebids spades. I will put us back in spades if partner fails to bid 3H (I expect partner will take preference back to H or doubleton and weak hand). If partner does bid 3H, I will trot out 3S (still forcing). The 3D bid will mislead the partner (and the defenders, who will think after all that you have diamonds), but has the best shot at getting useful info from the opponents. 3D also wins over 4D/4C in the sense of no lead directing double which could lead to useful sac (they think you may have Diamonds and that they might be on lead anyway).
I have to admit that sometimes I get into trouble when I bid crazy like this (partner may INSIST on diamonds after this jump if he is not use to your "creativity"), but fortunately this hands come up very rarely.
Posted 2003-June-09, 11:42
Interesting hand.
My conclusions after 1h-1s are:
A slam in spades is very likely. I'd say more than 60%.
The 5 level in spades is safe (75%).
As usual we may have to run a simulation to confirm my thoughts.
So the key is how to find a slam if we have it...
My bid is simple: 4NT, then
if 5d (1/4) I can relay with 5h to ask for the sQ. If pd bids 5s (no spade Q) then I bid 6s.
If 5NT,6c or 6d (sQ and a side king) I can bid 6h asking for the hK to play 7.
If 5c (0/3) I bid 5d asking for the sQ if he has the sQ I bid 6 spades, if he doesn't then I pass 5 spades.
My conclusions after 1h-1s are:
A slam in spades is very likely. I'd say more than 60%.
The 5 level in spades is safe (75%).
As usual we may have to run a simulation to confirm my thoughts.
So the key is how to find a slam if we have it...
My bid is simple: 4NT, then
if 5d (1/4) I can relay with 5h to ask for the sQ. If pd bids 5s (no spade Q) then I bid 6s.
If 5NT,6c or 6d (sQ and a side king) I can bid 6h asking for the hK to play 7.
If 5c (0/3) I bid 5d asking for the sQ if he has the sQ I bid 6 spades, if he doesn't then I pass 5 spades.
The legend of the black octogon.
Posted 2003-June-09, 11:42
Brazil stopped in 5H.
Uraguay jumped to 5NT right after 1S, only to find partner holding AQxxx in spades and a stiff heart......They got it but not convincing at all.
I think the "creative" 3C is acceptable. The problem is that you may need to be more creative later, eg
1H 1S
3C! 3NT/4C(!)
now what?
1H 1S
3C! 3D/3H
3S 4S
Is it time to launch RKC here?
Uraguay jumped to 5NT right after 1S, only to find partner holding AQxxx in spades and a stiff heart......They got it but not convincing at all.
I think the "creative" 3C is acceptable. The problem is that you may need to be more creative later, eg
1H 1S
3C! 3NT/4C(!)
now what?
1H 1S
3C! 3D/3H
3S 4S
Is it time to launch RKC here?
Posted 2003-June-09, 13:57
Brazil stopped in 5H.
Uruguay jumped to 5NT right after 1S, only to find partner holding AQxxx in spades and a stiff heart......They got it but not convincing at all.
Uruguay jumped to 5NT right after 1S, only to find partner holding AQxxx in spades and a stiff heart......They got it but not convincing at all.
Brazil stopped in 5H on a brain fart, as 5H was trump Q asking.
I was told the Brazilian passed, started to push the tray, then realized it and tried to correct it. At first, 5H stood, then was overruled as foul board I'm not sure why.
The uruguayan pair was using flannery, so responder had 5S, plus state of the match did it.
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