Never having discussed it since it hardly ever comes up, the opponents open 2NT and I hold something like ♠AJ ♥KQ765 ♦KJ7 ♣AK3. I double, and other opp bids 3♣, over which partner bids 3♥. 4♠ should definitely be keycard since 3♠ looks forcing but not being 100% certain I opt for the practical bid of 6♥. Unfortunately it went three off as partner had six hearts and not much else
Just wondering what a good defence is? It shouldn't be hard to come up with something extremely effective, since all the club and diamond bids are free to show something as well as the heart and spade bids, and you get double dipping (passing and bidding meaning something different to bidding immediately), rather like over multi 2♦. It might be a waste of time agreeing a defence since it hardly ever happens but it would be nice to know what we're doing.