bluecalm, on 2012-October-08, 08:29, said:
No, only up to 2H. I am very interested in what 3S should show for example. If it should be just minimum hand then I should surely bid that I thought at the time that it should be half stopper in spades which I am now trying to investigate asking gnasher and kayin801 to explain.
You comments are rude, read again the question again. You seem like clueless troll here and I know you are not so maybe you are in bad mood or something but I am irritated but tone of your comments.
No I am not rude, only provocative. I do not quite understand your point.
If I understand your methods you are not supposed to bypass 3
♥ if you hold any six cards in hearts. (not my style for sure after having rebid hearts already)
I suppose you would have raised clubs immediately with 5 hearts and 4 clubs.
You would have bid notrump holding 5332 with 15-17 on your methods.
So what else can you have but 12-14 HCP and 3 good clubs when you bid 4
♣ now and the only distributions you seem to be able to have at this point in your methods are the one you actually held or 3
I agree with you that your spades were too weak and your hand too good for 3
♠(above average number of controls in partner's suit).
However, as other pointed out, the
♥K is a dubious card on this bidding.
I still would give up and bid 5
♣ now.
Rainer Herrmann