anyway all this stories are still beaten by olegru's daughter:
I remember another one when I was 13 years old, I had played just once a couple of sessions, and my mom took me to play a 3 session tournament outside Madrid.
I don't remember the exact cards but I opened 1
♥ with a 15 count, mom bid 2
♣ and I just sum 15+10=25 so we have game. So I bid 3NT
To my surprise mom raised to 6NT taking this as a stronger bid than it was, worse of all, I had to play it!
LHO led a diamond and it was dissapointing to see
♠A and
♦A where missing along with some other cards. I played low diamond from dummy and was surprised to be allowed to win the trick from my stiff
But that didn't help even when my hearts and clubs could be solid, they could never give me enough tricks, but I envisioned something, if I could sneak a trick in spades, I could pitch my last spade on dummy's clubs, and the only loser on my hand would be
So far so good, I led a spade towards dummy's
♠KJx and played the king, when it scored I run clubs wich break (maybe with a finese, don't rememeber), pitching my last spade, and run my hearts condeding triumphally
♦Q in the end.
But oh wait!, something is wrong, everyone has 2 cards left when I only have 1!. Turns out I had played the whole board with just 12 cards, but lucky me, the card I was missing was
♦A. This meant that not only did 6NT make, but I was obviosly the only guy on the 120 tables to make 13 tricks playing a spade myself
I was also taught later that night that a jump to 3NT shows 19-20 HCP, perfect bid since I had 19 after all!. I think this was my first ever bid and made slam.