Lead vs 4S X
Posted 2012-October-02, 04:00
Posted 2012-October-02, 05:32
It does feel like the double should at least make me think more about my options. One upside to not leading a heart is that when I don't lead shortage declarer will pin my shape very quickly (assuming he discovers that trumps are actually breaking) and trying something else may make this a little harder for him - of course, if I pick the wrong suit it could also burn a trick and partner may go wrong trying to give me a ruff. It's also possible that I'll manage to lead through dummy into partner in a useful way. I don't mind a minor suit lead, although I'm sure I wouldn't have really thought much about it at the table... I also have absolutely no idea if there is genuine merit to it or not.
Posted 2012-October-02, 06:13
Posted 2012-October-02, 08:43
Posted 2012-October-02, 09:18
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-October-04, 05:24
Posted 2012-October-05, 04:56
Posted 2012-October-05, 05:20
MickyB, on 2012-October-02, 04:00, said:
Owing to a bug in the EBU Orange Book, the double is alertable in England if it asks for a lead other than a trump:
5 E 4 Calls above 3NT
Once the auction is above the level of 3NT, no calls are to be alerted except for:
(a) Artificial opening bids
(b) Lead-directing passes
( c) Doubles or redoubles that are lead-directing but ask for the lead of a suit other than the suit doubled (or redoubled)
The correction to this bug is to insert "of artificial bids" after doubles. I think that works.
I was therefore assuming from the lack of an alert that the agreement was that this double asked for a trump lead!
This post has been edited by lamford: 2012-October-05, 05:34
Posted 2012-October-05, 07:21
PhilKing, on 2012-October-05, 05:32, said:
Indeed, but I only learned it was from the Premier League in post #7.
Posted 2012-October-07, 10:32
lamford, on 2012-October-05, 05:20, said:
5 E 4 Calls above 3NT
Once the auction is above the level of 3NT, no calls are to be alerted except for:
(a) Artificial opening bids
(b) Lead-directing passes
( c) Doubles or redoubles that are lead-directing but ask for the lead of a suit other than the suit doubled (or redoubled)
The correction to this bug is to insert "of artificial bids" after doubles. I think that works.
I was therefore assuming from the lack of an alert that the agreement was that this double asked for a trump lead!
I don't see any bug.
Double is alertable if it is lead-directing but asks for a different suit to be led. Unless the pair in this thread are playing very unusual methods, this double is not lead-directing and hence is not alertable (and if it is lead-directing, it seems entirely fair that it should be alertable).
One point of this rule is to make doubles of natural bids alertable if they are lead-directional e.g. a Lightner double. I discovered a couple of years ago that not everyone plays Lightner doubles, which affects whether you might wish to redouble or pull.
Posted 2012-October-08, 13:24
FrancesHinden, on 2012-October-07, 10:32, said:
Double is alertable if it is lead-directing but asks for a different suit to be led.
So, if both defenders have bid suits, and the contract is above 3NT, then whether double says "lead my suit" or "lead your suit" it is alertable?
Posted 2012-October-08, 13:38
lamford, on 2012-October-05, 05:20, said:
The correction to this bug is to insert "of artificial bids" after doubles. I think that works.
1♥-2NT [some kind of raise]
3♥-4♣ [length and strength in clubs]
If double (somewhat dangerously) asks for a diamond lead, we want it to be alertable.
Posted 2012-October-09, 08:47
gnasher, on 2012-October-08, 13:38, said:
3♥-4♣ [length and strength in clubs]
If double (somewhat dangerously) asks for a diamond lead, we want it to be alertable.
I agree that is desirable, but I have never met someone who plays that way! Under the current rules, an auction such as 2H (weak) - (Double) - 3C - (6NT) x (or Pass Pass x) would always be alertable if it carried any lead-directional element, as it can never ask for the lead of a no-trump.
Posted 2012-October-09, 08:50
lamford, on 2012-October-09, 08:47, said:
I would lead a non-trump on this auction whatever I thought partner's double meant!

Posted 2012-October-09, 15:50
lamford, on 2012-October-09, 08:47, said:
True. Lead-directional doubles are alertable (unless it's a double of the suit bid), non-lead-directional doubles aren't.
I've certainly come across people who play
1H P 4C (splinter) dbl as asking for a heart lead
and, for example, I play
1H - 1S
4C - dbl as asking for a diamond lead
and there are definitely pairs who have very different ideas to mine about on which auctions double is lightner and on which auctions is just says the contract is going off
Posted 2012-October-09, 15:51
lamford, on 2012-October-09, 08:47, said:
Yes. If your 6NT bid got doubled on the way out wouldn't you like to know if the opponents have an agreement about any lead-directional element to the double? (Possibly more relevant if 6 suit got doubled, but the principle is the same)
Posted 2012-October-10, 07:59
FrancesHinden, on 2012-October-09, 15:50, said:
1H P 4C (splinter) dbl as asking for a heart lead
I must say that I have never encountered this. I have come across people playing it as asking for one of
a) a diamond lead
b) a pointed suit lead
c) a non-club lead
d) a club lead
And I think that people generally know to alert the first three, but not the last, and the rule works fine here. I would guess that virtually nobody knows the rules when the (likely) final contract is doubled - even eminent TDs looking at the Orange Book offered different opinions on another thread.