With all vul I was east, and north decided to pass a take out double of 3♣, with my partner relaxing too much and overtaking dummy's ♣10 in the end, making only 9 tricks wih 10 avaible after a not so great defence, we got -670.
I was a bit surprised to see only 33% on the bridgemate for us, and looked at the rest of the results, they were this
3♣X -870
5♦X -800
3♣X -670
3♣X -670
3NT -600
The funny thing is, the pair who made 3NT vulnerable on 17 high for -600 scored a big fat zero MP total at this point, I guess later on things would change, but still incredible.
When I moved for the next round, here is the hand I picked up first, again as east: