Posted 2012-October-08, 06:10
On the actual hand the overcaller had AKJxx, J9xx, x, Qxx.
I tried a diamond towards dummy at trick 3, intending to play the A and immediately finesse in clubs. LHO split his diamond honors though, so I won, tried 2 rounds of trump, then hooked the club. Think I eventually lost a diamond and a trump but the contract came in. Wonder if aiming for 11 tricks is optimistic. On my line I guess I make 10 if I play both round suits correctly, but I was aiming to play RHO for the diamond K and club Q and could afford to do so if trumps were 3-2.
I once yelled at my partner for discarding the 'wrong' card when he was subjected to a squeeze that I allowed by giving the wrong count with too high a card. Now he's allowed to pitch aces when the opponents have the king in the dummy. At trick 2. When he could have followed suit. And blame me.
East4Evil ♥ sohcahtoa 4ever!!!!!1