Posted 2004-November-24, 13:49
Low heart. Great if it catches the nine or king with partner, mabye better if it catches nine in dummy and he plays low and partner plays the eight. But the real reason is I have two entries. IF I start a high heart, declarer might duck, so that when partner wins his side suit winner (partner could have around 4 points here), he will still have a heart to return. Thus, we win 2@H, partners winner, and my two side suit winners. (of course, happy days if partner has @HK).
Be prepared for all the "you cheater" accusations when you lead low from QJTxx on this auction and catch partner with the heart KING-doubleton, but hey, with your side suit entries, small has to be correct, so you should be able to defend yourself. I would lead a tricky fifth best maybe, just to preven the cover if heart nine is in dummy, and to keep from warning declarer to early.