my hand has vastly improved after the 3h bid and my *underbid of 2c with
my 2 3/4 club hand (courtesy of cyberyeti) and I am now interested in slam.
IMO we should now bid
dia splinter and at the very worst 3 card spade support (could also have 3/4
card heart support) the important part of the message is we have a fit and
my hand has improved dramatically since my simple 2c bid. If p does not
have slam aspirations they can sign off in 4h and we will correct to 4s if we
are say 3217. We can also use the same logic to correct any 6 level heart
contract to spades.
There is a down side to this--if p now wanted to use rkc there is no simple
method of differentiating hearts from spades. How does p go about asking
for heart honors when there has been no agreed trump suit. We are prepared
to question p 3h bid vs a much less space consuming 2d bid earlier
