Quantumcat, on 2012-September-12, 23:07, said:
He can't possibly have "twice rebiddable clubs" as that shows a good six card suit usually (correct me if I'm wrong) - this is the wording used if the auction goes for instance (1♥)(2♥) 2♠. 2♠ will be alerted "twice rebiddable spades, 12+ total points" or something similar.
Barmar posted the following explanation of the "rebiddable", etc. desciptions:
barmar, on 2011-November-07, 19:12 said:
The categories are:
0-2 cards
4-card = 4 with poor honors
biddable = 5 cards, or 4 with 4+ HCP or QJTx
rebiddable = biddable + another card
twice rebiddable = rebiddable + another card
strong rebiddable = twice rebiddable with 8+ HCP
solid 6-card = AKQTxx or better
solid 7-card = AKQxxxx or better
solid 8-card = AKJxxxxx or AKxxxxxxx (there are 7 x's)
So yes, "twice rebiddable" is a not-horrible 6-card suit or a horrible 7-card suit.