lalldonn, on 2012-October-08, 11:41, said:
But if Romney took more charitable deductions and paid (say) 12% of his income in taxes instead of 14%, it would give more fuel to the Democratic argument that both he, and wealthy people in general, don't pay a large enough percentage of their income in taxes. That could potentially sway some voters, even subconsciously.
I guess some would feel that way, but if he made, say, 100 million, gave half of it away, and paid, say, $10m in taxes, I think I would see it as having $40m left after charity and taxes. That's just me, I guess. Some would say he got away with only paying 10% in taxes. I would say he gave away 50% to charity and paid 20% on what was left. At any rate, I would definitely see it as a whole different thing from someone who made $100m, somehow managed to pay only $10m in taxes, and kept the other $90 m for himself. In this latter case, I would not blame him heavily if his maneuvers were within the law, but I would certainly suggest revisiting the law. In the first case scenario I would also feel that only $10m tax on $50m is still something we might want to address, but I wouldn't worry much about the tsaxable $100m being reduced to $50m because he gave heavily to charity.
Something we can all have an opinion on, I don't really see a way of changing anyone's mind, except I do see some issue with having the government decide what qualifies as a charity and what doesn't.